Monday, November 16, 2009

King Khan + friends get arrested for drugs

hahaha they were caught with shrooms. as good a reason as any to be incarcerated. stupid laws, hallucinogenics should not be illegal.

it's kind of crazy, 'cause I just referred a friend to King Khan's band because my friend wanted music like Black Lips. the two bands are friends and stuff.

(Black Lips are also known for getting into trouble...they got banned from India)

and here is one of my favourite Black Lips songs (very appropriate):

and, my favourite Black Lips song (also appropriate):


yeahBoy said...

shrooms shouldn't be illegal at all. they need to be regulated for safety. then people would want to do them, and build parks to explore whilst trippin balls. we create public jobs and create wild land reserves where there once were none. creating jobs and increasing green life would simultaneously bring our economy out of the recession and low green house gasses. then obam would fly of the mountains on a unicorn named Sasha and explode into a million rainbows.

call me an optimist.
no better yet call me optimus.

P.s. i enjoyed your post a bit too much.

Hanan said...

hahha yes, let's do drugs together.

shit man I recognize your photo but don't remember what you used to be called. you're the boy who referred me to Cage the Elephant! by the way, I was compiling my top ten albums of the year last night and they totally made the cut. so, thank you, once again.

Katie said...

Jesus, that was legendary.

yeahBoy said...

i used to be kiefer. and i'm really excited that you like that album. it's nice to know i can give back seeing i didn't even know about the strokes until i found this blog.

also i will surely do drugs with you. last time i shroomed i found a poster of a squid, named him oscar, he moved into my motorcycle helmet so we drove to nature and listened to enya.
standard adventure.

Hanan said...

and you love The Strokes, yeah? how could you not? the consensus tonight was it is impossible to have ears, listen to the Strokes and not love them with your entire being.

hahahah that is just great. I love drugs. oh man we should be careful, WEB SHERIFF is a-prowlin'. hahaha.