read the entire list (and justifications) of 50 artists HERE, but here are the top 5:and
5. Sam Dust, Late Of The Pier
4. Alex Turner, Arctic Monkeys/The Last Shadow Puppets
3. Andrew VanWyngarden, MGMT
2. Jay-Z
1. Alice Glass, Crystal Castles
agree, disagree?
I think Ezra Koening should be higher up on the list. and Donald of the Virgins should have been mentioned. and hello, Pete Doherty? I don't care about his drug addiction(s) he is STILL really damn cool.
MGMT - Time to Pretend [mp3]
I had this on repeat at work today =)
Alex Turner should be number 1 until the end of time.
Alice Glass is my dream woman until the end of time.
Murphey, I would have to say the same about Julian Casablancas, the coolest cat of all time.
I think Robyn should have been on the list b/c the music she has been making recently is AMAZING and I would have put Lovefoxxx higher b/c I saw her in concert two years ago when CSS wasn't anything special yet she held the audience's attention with her unique energy and zany personality...still a show I haven't forgotten!
I would have to agree with your thoughts on Robyn, her music is pretty freaking cool.
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