I use my weekends to catch up on listening to the stuff I download all week.
I just listened to a track called "Cough Syrup" by The Jakes.
I downloaded the song because a couple of Fridays ago, I was in class and could hear a band perform on Sproul (Cal's equivalent of a high school "quad", if you will). I asked a classmate if they knew who were performing and she replied "a band called The Jakes"
so when I came across them on hype machine, I decided to give 'em a go.
the song sounds like a rip off of "After Hours" by We Are Scientists, with a Jimmy-Eat-World twist. I am not claiming that the band ripped off of WAS, just that the song is like a way-less awesome version of the aforementioned Brain Thrust Mastery single.
Needless to say, I'm not impressed.
Brain Thrust Mastery was released in March of last year, while The Jakes' Shake My Hand was released five months later.
Listen to the tracks and decide for yourself:
The Jakes - Cough Syrup [mp3]
We Are Scientists - After Hours [mp3]
Shake My Hand is available on SMART PUNK
you can get Brain Thrust Mastery on AMAZON