ok, I know this is cheating as I have already posted about Delta Spirit as Band of the Week, but I don't care
this band is GENIUS. I thought their live show was excellent when they opened for Matt Costa, their headlining show surpassed even that. Best. Live. Act. Ever.
Seriously, one of the BEST BANDS OUT THERE TODAY. Their drummer Brandon Young has excellent rhythm (and is super friendly!), their bass player Jon Jameson is glorious, their lead guitarist Sean Walker busts out riffs that may make you convulse euphorically, their lead singer Matthew Vasquez will shock you with his ability to screech in perfect tune and then revert to singing softly, and finally, their keyboardist Kelly Winrich will surprise you by picking up various other instruments throughout the set, in addition to providing a great backbone to the music.
Delta Spirit - Gimme Some Motivation [mp3, HIGHLY FUCKING RECOMMENDED!]
this song is the closest they've come to capturing how awesome their live sound is.
Delta Spirit - People C'mon [mp3]
CONCERT REVIEW (Wednesday 04 February 2009 @ Bottom of the Hill, SF):
Opening band Dawes faltered on the first couple of songs, not grabbing my attention until the lead singer Taylor Goldsmith started actually engaging with his guitar. Midway through the set, I was sold, and thought "hey, this band is decent, I'll buy their CD on the way out". I had spoken to Taylor before the show and he had described the band as sounding like Bob Dylan and The Band. I definitely heard the latter in their set, especially with Tay Strathairn's solid effort on the piano. What is it with Southern California bands rediscovering more Americana roots (Dawes are from LA, Delta Spirit are from San Diego). I'm not complaining though.
The second set was rendered by Other Lives, a band from Oklahoma. Now I'll keep this simple: this band was boring as hell. I actually got SLEEPY by the end of their set. Yes, SLEEPY at a rock concert. I didn't like that they had a cellist and a violinist because in my opinion, if you're going to incorporate those instruments in your music, you better as hell make them sound stupendous (see Ra Ra Riot for further instructions). The violin was as flat as the lead singer's voice, which was like a less interesting Colin Meloy. The cellist was basically just their second bass player, which I wouldn't mind, if either of them actually were any good. Bass guitar is my favourite instrument but the problem with most bass players is that they only play a couple of notes and that doesn't even really matter, because you can't even really hear them.
Now, from the first verse of Delta Spirit's "Strange Vine", I decided that I didn't want to buy Dawes' record after all. I remembered how good Delta Spirit were when they were an opening band and that's ruined mediocre opening bands for me forever. They played a handful of new songs, and a lot off of their debut EP I Think I've Found It (2006), which I didn't own until after the show, because I couldn't find it anywhere. I am SO glad they had it at the merch table, it's genius. I took a video of their song "Streetwalker", as well as a couple of their new songs, I'll upload them to youtube soon and post them here too. "Streetwalker" also showed up on their re-release of Ode to Sunshine, which they originally self-produced in a cabin. I have the original from last year, it's one of my most prized possessions.
Matt sang a song about his grandmother ("Vivian"), which was slower the rest of the songs. For most of the set, everyone was dancing and having a great time. The band really went all out on their last song (before the encore), "People, Turn Around". At certain points in the set, Kelly and Sean joined Brandon on drums, and the result was explosive. I found the band after the show, and they were all way too drunk to be able to answer any of my pre-prepared questions, but I didn't even care, they were a lot of fun regardless. In short, it was a perfect set and if you miss seeing this band live you will kick yourself later. Do not be fooled by their albums, while both I Think I've Found It and Ode to Sunshine are genius, they don't come close to measuring up to their live sound. This is a band to fall in love and then spend a lifetime of awesomeness with.