Right now, I'm listening to Rock n Roll as I read "The Tale of Zumurrud and Ali Shar" in The Thousand and One Nights (really good, ftw), and "So Alive" came on, making me nostalgic for the following video, which, in my opinion is MUCH better than the studio version
I can't believe I've never posted this before, I watch it all of the time!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Saturday Music Definitions: Yellow

People usually associate the colour green with spring. Me, I think of yellow.
The colour of sunshine and flowers; bright and full of life.
Here’s a mix for you to enjoy:
Arctic Monkeys – Old Yellow Bricks [mp3]
The Raconteurs – Yellow Sun (live) [mp3]
Coldplay – Yellow (piano tribute) [mp3]
Matt Costa – Yellow Taxi [mp3]
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - The Skin of My Yellow Country Tee [mp3]
The Beatles – Yellow Submarine [mp3]
Matt Costa - Sunshine [mp3]
Band of the Week: Voxtrot

It is absolutely no secret who my favourite band is.
Some people may be surprised to know, however, that my all time favourite song wasn’t, in fact, written by Julian Casablancas. And no, it’s not a super well known song (like, say, “Stairway to Heaven”). It’s not even on a full album. It comes from an EP called Raised by Wolves, by a band called Voxtrot.
I haven't listened to Voxtrot in ages. I mean, I listened to their new single a few days ago, but I hadn't listened to the whole debut album in a really long time. I have, however, been listening to The Smith's The Queen is Dead over and over, and it made me nostalgic for my favourite Texas band (sorry, Spoon).
I discovered Voxtrot when they opened up for Arctic Monkeys two years ago. I liked their set a lot, so did the friend I was with, and we were both upset by the rest of the audience, who were being incredibly rude and were booing the band off of the stage, wanting Alex Turner instead. I ended up buying their album, and later falling in love with it. I subsequently came across the most happy-go-lucky-yet-strangely-depressing-oh-how-I-love-it song ever.
behold, Hanan's all time favourite song:
Voxtrot - The Start of Something [mp3, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!]
I hope that will entice you to pick up their self titled debut album and get acquainted with it. They’re out of hiatus mode, so we can probably expect a new release within the next year.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Concert Review: The Rakes 02 April 2009
I discovered The Rakes through last.fm. They came up in The Strokes radio (which is what I usually listen to at work, surprise, surprise). I subsequently wrote down “THE RAKES!!!!” on a slip of paper and stuck it into my bag to look up later.
A few weeks later, I was cleaning out my room and decided to give my bag a go, too (I am a huge slob). I found three different slips of paper, all of them saying “THE RAKES!!!” in some form or another.
That’s how awesome they are.
Now, take my aforementioned enthusiasm, add a dance club and a stage for lead singer Alan Donohoe to act like a crazy robot on, and you’ve got yourself a formula for success.
Much to my pleasure, they had composed a set list which I heartily approved of. Before going to the show, I was hoping they’d focus on their debut (Capture/Release), their newest album (Klang), but also play “We Danced Together” and “The World Was A Mess But His Hair Was Perfect” from the second album (Ten New Messages). And that is precisely what they did. I was thrilled that they played my favourite of theirs, “Violent”.
Each member of the band was aware of their mates and they worked beautifully together, in sync throughout the night. Meanwhile, the crowd (including yours truly) was going crazy. One audience member tried to pull the lead singer down to the floor (this actually eventually worked), and eventually proceeded to jump onstage to dance with Alan (who didn’t seem to mind too much).
It was a great night, I am so lucky to have been able to attend one of their FOUR American shows, especially at such an intimate venue as the Popscene. They already played the Troubadour (LA) but still have two NY dates (Bowery Ballroom on the 6th and Bell House on the 7th).
Set list:
The Rakes are good at creating catchy dance music with realistic, dreary lyrics. They are not musical pioneers in any way, but they REALLY excel at what they do. I suggest that you check them out, I am quite enjoying their latest album Klang, but I suggest that you start with the following:
The Rakes - The World Was a Mess But His Hair Was Perfect [mp3]
you can find videos of "Violent", "We Danced Together" and "The Lonliness of the Outdoor Smoker" on my YOUTUBE page
more photos:
Keane's singer deems his band 'The new Pink Floyd'
[via NME]
Tom Chaplin said:
"I like getting in people's faces, so doing it in 3D suits what we do. We're the new Pink Floyd!"
I'm quite aghast.
I can't find any similarities between piano pop-rock and psychedelic goodness, but maybe I'm missing something.
or, maybe not.
Tom Chaplin said:
"I like getting in people's faces, so doing it in 3D suits what we do. We're the new Pink Floyd!"
I'm quite aghast.
I can't find any similarities between piano pop-rock and psychedelic goodness, but maybe I'm missing something.
or, maybe not.
George Harrison honoured with "Hollywood Walk of Fame"

according to NME,
my favourite Beatle "is being honoured posthumously at a Los Angeles ceremony to unveil the star on April 14 at 11:30am PST. It is set to take place along the Walk of Fame at 1750 Vine Street, in front of the Capitol Records building, and is open to the public.
Harrison's wife, Olivia, and son, Dhani, will be present to accept the honour on his behalf."
The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps [mp3]
he's such a genius.
Jake Shimabukuro - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (The Beatles cover) [mp3, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!]
he uses a ukelele and the result is one of the most amazing things my ears have ever beheld.
The Killers are sick of each other
[[via SPIN.com]]
"When they started out they were all good friends, but they just don't seem to get on any more. They are sick of the sight of each other."
hey, Killers, I'm sick of you, too. maybe you should get on with it and call it quits
"When they started out they were all good friends, but they just don't seem to get on any more. They are sick of the sight of each other."
hey, Killers, I'm sick of you, too. maybe you should get on with it and call it quits
Jimmy Eat World - "A Sunday"

this song is from Clarity, one of my all time favourite albums.
Jimmy Eat World have been on a ten year anniversary tour for the album, playing it in its entirety. I'm really mad that tickets sold out before I could snag one. the Fillmore concert took place last month, if my memory serves me correctly
anyhow, here is an mp3, (courtesy of SPIN.com) of a live version of the aforementioned song:
Jimmy Eat World - "A Sunday" [mp3]
The Strokes Post #43

a bit of news,
Fab, Nikolai, and Matt Romano (he is like a stand-in Stroke. he toured with them when Fab broke his hand and has played drums for both Little Joy and Albert Hammond Jr.) will be taking part in "DYLAN FEST 2009! A night to get drunk and celebrate Bob Dylan's greatest hits!"
it will take place at Mercury Lounge, NY on May 21st, and I am very jealous of the people who will get to attend this momentous event
Art Brut's frontman takes a stab at Kaiser Chiefs
Eddie Argos said "Kaiser Chiefs? It's like watching bankers play songs onstage. No!"
via NME.
will this heat up into another band rivalry? only time will tell.
here is a video of Art Brut performing live:
via NME.
will this heat up into another band rivalry? only time will tell.
here is a video of Art Brut performing live:
Thursday, April 2, 2009
new Ryan Adams song!
lo-fi goodness.
Ryan Adams is one of my favourite songwriters ever. he's so incredible. now excuse me, I have to go listen to Heartbreaker for the nine thousand six hundred and twenty fourth time.
lo-fi goodness.
Ryan Adams is one of my favourite songwriters ever. he's so incredible. now excuse me, I have to go listen to Heartbreaker for the nine thousand six hundred and twenty fourth time.
Birdmonster to play Cafe Du Nord

Date: Tuesday, 4/21
Doors: 7:00 pm
Show: 8:00 pm
Door: $12.00
In Adv: $10.00
Ages: 18+
supporting acts: The Old Fashioned Way; Local Natives
I only have three of their songs, a la a sampler someone gave me, but they're really good.
Think a modern Bob Dylan with good bass sensibilities.
Birdmonster - Born to be Your Man [mp3]
buy tickets HERE
I'm glad that the shows at Du Nord that I really want to go to end up being 18+. They're rare, but they're fantastic.
visit the band on MYSPACE
The Strokes Post #42
"We're all as important as each other. How many groups are there where you know the drummer's name? Where you even care who in the group? We're on this equally. That's why people liked the Beatles and that's why people like us." - Albert Hammond Jr
I grin every time I watch the video for "Hard to Explain" because in the middle of it(1:25-1:45), they have all of the band members labeled. As if anyone needed reminding of the five greatest names of all time:
Albert Hammond Jr
Fabrizio Moretti
Julian Casablancas
Nick Valensi
Nikolai Fraiture
(listed alphabetically, because I love them all equally)
I grin every time I watch the video for "Hard to Explain" because in the middle of it(1:25-1:45), they have all of the band members labeled. As if anyone needed reminding of the five greatest names of all time:
Albert Hammond Jr
Fabrizio Moretti
Julian Casablancas
Nick Valensi
Nikolai Fraiture
(listed alphabetically, because I love them all equally)
concert review: Gavin Degraw at GAMH 31 March 2009
The night commenced with a set by a young lady named Angel Taylor, and her style was only fit for any person opening for Gavin Degraw. She wore her heart on her sleeve and concealed nothing in her lyrics, which were seeping with the pains of heartbreak. Her piano playing and her voice were both good, but nothing spectacular. I’ve seen too many incredible openers (Delta Spirit, Voxtrot, The Helio Sequence, Wild Sweet Orange) that mediocre ones (even border-line good) have been ruined forever.

Taylor captured the audience’s attention, I’ll give her that, and was stoked to see her “first legit sign” (someone had written “I <3 Angel Taylor” on a white cloth). She covered the Campbell ’s jingle and closed with an Adele song("Hometown Glory").
Because the show began at 9PM , the set ups and other things were super efficient, and Gavin Degraw approached the stage at 10:02 , heartily welcomed by screams and applause. His set began really weakly--with a song called "Dancing Shoes" off of his second album, and a cover of "Indian Summer" by Chris Whitley-- mostly because there were some technical difficulties and the amps weren’t set up properly for the electric set from his accompanying band (he was on piano throughout the night, leaving it only a couple of times for rhythm guitar).
Then, Gavin busted out a gem off of his first record (“Follow Through”) and everything fell into place. The rest of the set flowed beautifully, mostly because he peppered it with songs from his debut album Chariot. I honestly never bought either his second album (I have a few songs from it and it’s not very good) nor do I plan on getting his latest release, Free, but I was very pleased that I got to experience Chariot before he outgrew it completely. It was strange to see Gavin in person, because I never got over the image of him as a youngin, with a beanie, inconspicuously holding a leaf and singing about drugs and young love--two subjects that never seem to get old. But being over thirty hasn’t completely killed his spirit yet, as he was interacting with the audience with the enthusiasm of a twenty-something. He seemed quite pleased that the audience acquiesced and sang along with him.
Overall, it was good show, everyone (including the band) was having a great time and the only person left a tad disappointed was me, not having heard my favourite song of his ("Nice to Meet You Anyway"). Then again, his energy when singing “Chemical Party” more than made up for it.
Set List:


for videos, head on over to my YOUTUBE page. I took videos of all of the Chariot songs which Gavin sang, the covers he did, and a couple of newer songs too.
Taylor captured the audience’s attention, I’ll give her that, and was stoked to see her “first legit sign” (someone had written “I <3 Angel Taylor” on a white cloth). She covered the Campbell ’s jingle and closed with an Adele song("Hometown Glory").
Because the show began at 9PM , the set ups and other things were super efficient, and Gavin Degraw approached the stage at 10:02 , heartily welcomed by screams and applause. His set began really weakly--with a song called "Dancing Shoes" off of his second album, and a cover of "Indian Summer" by Chris Whitley-- mostly because there were some technical difficulties and the amps weren’t set up properly for the electric set from his accompanying band (he was on piano throughout the night, leaving it only a couple of times for rhythm guitar).
Then, Gavin busted out a gem off of his first record (“Follow Through”) and everything fell into place. The rest of the set flowed beautifully, mostly because he peppered it with songs from his debut album Chariot. I honestly never bought either his second album (I have a few songs from it and it’s not very good) nor do I plan on getting his latest release, Free, but I was very pleased that I got to experience Chariot before he outgrew it completely. It was strange to see Gavin in person, because I never got over the image of him as a youngin, with a beanie, inconspicuously holding a leaf and singing about drugs and young love--two subjects that never seem to get old. But being over thirty hasn’t completely killed his spirit yet, as he was interacting with the audience with the enthusiasm of a twenty-something. He seemed quite pleased that the audience acquiesced and sang along with him.
Overall, it was good show, everyone (including the band) was having a great time and the only person left a tad disappointed was me, not having heard my favourite song of his ("Nice to Meet You Anyway"). Then again, his energy when singing “Chemical Party” more than made up for it.
Set List:
for videos, head on over to my YOUTUBE page. I took videos of all of the Chariot songs which Gavin sang, the covers he did, and a couple of newer songs too.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Magnet names most over/underrated Elliott Smith songs

it's a good article, and I was surprised that they included the one I was thinking about as most underrated, "Angel in the Snow". I remember the first time I heard it, I was laying on the grass underneath a tree and I started crying, it affected me so much.
it's definitely in my top three Elliott Smith songs. the other two? Waltz #2 (XO) and Between the Bars
read the whole article HERE
Elliott Smith - Angel in the Snow [mp3, highly recommended!]
The Strokes Post #41
The Strokes - Heart in a Cage (live at Eurock Cannes) [mp3]
I think I just died and went to heaven. wait, no, that happened when I listened to Is This It for the first time...
I think I just died and went to heaven. wait, no, that happened when I listened to Is This It for the first time...
this video is RAD.
what is is about humans that makes us crave explosions, fire and other destructive things?
the above video is slightly more awesome than the OFFICIAL VIDEO FOR 'SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT WITH ME'
what is is about humans that makes us crave explosions, fire and other destructive things?
the above video is slightly more awesome than the OFFICIAL VIDEO FOR 'SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT WITH ME'
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Killers have lost it.

and by it I mean both their minds,
and their talent.
The Killers - Four Winds (Bright Eyes cover) [mp3]
The Killers - Tidal Wave [mp3]
the following song followed "Tidal Wave" on my itunes, and it is a more accurate representation of why I used to adore them:
The Killers - Move Away [mp3]
from the Spiderman 3 soundtrack
Dave Grohl goes to Amoeba!
he took a trip to Hollywood to buy some singles for some friends (and himself of course!)
he talks about the various bands, and then he tells us a story about a friend of his who beats up a guy twice his size. Amoeba employees are the coolest mo-fos around
it's quite amusing, if I do say so myself.
he talks about the various bands, and then he tells us a story about a friend of his who beats up a guy twice his size. Amoeba employees are the coolest mo-fos around
it's quite amusing, if I do say so myself.
The Strokes Post #40
I love it when amazing-Strokes-goodness resurfaces on youtube.
you probably haven't ever seen this.
Hard to Explain is such a great fucking song. I never ever tire of it. Well, I never tire of The Strokes, period, but THAT'S NOT THE POINT. Albert's parts are my favourite, but the whole song rocks.
you probably haven't ever seen this.
Hard to Explain is such a great fucking song. I never ever tire of it. Well, I never tire of The Strokes, period, but THAT'S NOT THE POINT. Albert's parts are my favourite, but the whole song rocks.
Monday, March 30, 2009
new Wolfmother song

I told you guys back last summer that Wolfmother lost 2/3 of it's members, but frontman Andrew Stockdale kept the name and recruited new members.
well, they're back ("I'm coming back around...oh and it won't be long!" Andrew sings), and louder than ever before!
they sound a lot more like Zeppelin than AC/DC now.
anyhow, snag the new single below and get listening!
Wolfmother - Back Round [mp3]
2:53-3:15. wow.
I just read what the guys at SPIN have to say about the new song, and it's similar to what I thought! DAMN IT TO HELL, WHEN IS DOUG BROD GOING TO HIRE ME?
must watch video: Jamie Cullum - What a Difference a Day Made
I've been ever so infatuated with Jamie Cullum ever since I was 15 years old.
The Strokes Post #39
I always tell people that I don't cry because I don't have a soul.
That isn't exactly true. Julian's voice makes me tear up quite regularly.
example #959348590395093518903285903250284569826:
I will say it again, the Oxegen 2006 festival performance is my all time favourite Strokes series.
That isn't exactly true. Julian's voice makes me tear up quite regularly.
example #959348590395093518903285903250284569826:
I will say it again, the Oxegen 2006 festival performance is my all time favourite Strokes series.
Grand Lake just keep getting better
I saw them perform live for the second time at Amoeba Berkeley last Thursday, and their set was rockin'. The mic wasn't turned up loud enough, so you couldn't hear Caleb's voice perfectly, but it was awesome nonetheless. Ryan, Erica, Jameson and Caleb all played their hearts out. Their set included most of the songs off of their stellar 8 song EP (Nevermint, available now!) plus a couple of new ones. I really liked the one called "Werewolf Work Week" (or at least, that's what my memory tells me it was called. I'm sure the first word was Werewolf, though.)
Here are some pictures:

and, because I am absolutely shameless, I ended up buying records that day too. Total spent that week on records? 280.

I need to seek professional help. you know what kills me? that scene in High Fidelity where Rob refuses to buy that amazing record collection, because he has a conscience or whatever. The guy is a cheating douchebag, FUCK HIM OVER, TAKE HIS COLLECTION!
I'm pretty sure I'm going to hell.
back to Grand Lake, visit the band on MYSPACE
here are some upcoming dates, I highly recommend that you swing by one.
Apr 10 The Uptown w/ Dashing Suns, Sister Grizzly & Rad Cloud Oakland, California
Apr 18 Record Store Day! SLO ARTs Center w/ Golden Animals, Dirt Dress San Luis Obispo, California
Apr 29 The Knockout SAN FRANCISCO
here's the closing song off the record, I am absolutely addicted to it:
Grand Lake - Blue Hoodie [mp3]
Here are some pictures:
and, because I am absolutely shameless, I ended up buying records that day too. Total spent that week on records? 280.
I need to seek professional help. you know what kills me? that scene in High Fidelity where Rob refuses to buy that amazing record collection, because he has a conscience or whatever. The guy is a cheating douchebag, FUCK HIM OVER, TAKE HIS COLLECTION!
I'm pretty sure I'm going to hell.
back to Grand Lake, visit the band on MYSPACE
here are some upcoming dates, I highly recommend that you swing by one.
Apr 10 The Uptown w/ Dashing Suns, Sister Grizzly & Rad Cloud Oakland, California
Apr 18 Record Store Day! SLO ARTs Center w/ Golden Animals, Dirt Dress San Luis Obispo, California
Apr 29 The Knockout SAN FRANCISCO
here's the closing song off the record, I am absolutely addicted to it:
Grand Lake - Blue Hoodie [mp3]
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sunday Morning Covers

io echo – I Want You (She’s So Heavy) (The Beatles cover) [mp3, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!]
Arctic Monkeys - Baby I'm Yours (Van McCoy cover) [mp3]
Audrye Sessions - Waltz #2 (XO) (Elliott Smith cover) [mp3]
Beirut - Brazil (Ary Barroso cover) [mp3]
TV on the Radio - Modern Romance (Yeah Yeah Yeahs cover) [mp3]
Damien Rice - Creep (Radiohead cover) [mp3]
of Monreal - Where Eagles Dare (Misfits cover) [mp3]
Red Hot Chili Peppers - I Just Want Some Skank (Circle Jerks cover) [mp3]
The Beatles - Baby It's You (Burt Bacharach cover) [mp3]
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