the only thing sexier than the video for "Juicebox" (I'm weird like that) is the hilarious accompanying commentary which can be found HERE
at the lesbians:
Fab: "I have nothing to say"
Jules: "I am offended"
"you know what's really funny is that my mom thought that I was one of the gay guys in the bathroom, and I was very -- I was like like 'no mom, no!'...yeah mom I'm coming out of the closet in the video"
oh and the bass in the song is killer.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Saturday Music Definitions: (the) French
I was having a conversation a few nights ago with a friend of mine regarding my ambiguous and often ever-changing perception of French culture, my hot/cold, love/hate "relationship" with it, if you will
I mean, there's some stuff that is invaluable: Proust, Napoleon, Rousseau, all those geniuses who wrote the fabliaux (just about some of the coolest medieval erotic poems ever), Justice, Daft Punk and Sacha Baron Cohen's character in Talladega Nights and the genius of the crepe to name a few
but then, at other times I find myself really quite indifferent, or even kind of hostile to France, the French, and everything else to do with them. and really quite laughing at this:

but yeah, I need to come to terms with France soon, as I'll eventually be studying the damned language full on for my intended graduate studies in comp lit.
here are some tunes for your Saturday afternoon
Babyshambles - French Dog Blues [mp3]
Delta Spirit - French Quarter (daytrotter) [mp3, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!]
Les Savy Fav - The French Kicks [mp3]
The Teenagers- French Kiss [mp3]
Beirut - Napoleon on the Bellerophon [mp3]
from the Pompeii EP
go forth and play outside, enjoy the sunshine!
I mean, there's some stuff that is invaluable: Proust, Napoleon, Rousseau, all those geniuses who wrote the fabliaux (just about some of the coolest medieval erotic poems ever), Justice, Daft Punk and Sacha Baron Cohen's character in Talladega Nights and the genius of the crepe to name a few
but then, at other times I find myself really quite indifferent, or even kind of hostile to France, the French, and everything else to do with them. and really quite laughing at this:

but yeah, I need to come to terms with France soon, as I'll eventually be studying the damned language full on for my intended graduate studies in comp lit.
here are some tunes for your Saturday afternoon
Babyshambles - French Dog Blues [mp3]
Delta Spirit - French Quarter (daytrotter) [mp3, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!]
Les Savy Fav - The French Kicks [mp3]
The Teenagers- French Kiss [mp3]
Beirut - Napoleon on the Bellerophon [mp3]
from the Pompeii EP
go forth and play outside, enjoy the sunshine!
Friday, March 6, 2009
must watch video: flight of the conchords - bret you've got it going on
do you enjoy laughter?
if you answered no, I have nothing more to say to you.
if you answered yes, take the next minute and forty seven seconds to watch the following video. I've seen it hundreds of times but it kills me every time. I've rediscovered my love for the conchords since I finally managed to return the CD my friend let me borrow (I've had it since last March oops) on Tuesday.
anyhow, it's hilarious. enjoy.
if you answered no, I have nothing more to say to you.
if you answered yes, take the next minute and forty seven seconds to watch the following video. I've seen it hundreds of times but it kills me every time. I've rediscovered my love for the conchords since I finally managed to return the CD my friend let me borrow (I've had it since last March oops) on Tuesday.
anyhow, it's hilarious. enjoy.
Band of the Week + record review: The Pains of Being Pure At Heart

this much buzzed about band from NY answer that question which everyone's pondered at least at one point in their lives:
can pop music be melancholy?
I mean, we have The Smiths, but they always seemed like a class of their own.
but, the answer to the question is indubitably, unequivocally, yes.
there's a good reason that everyone's talking about this band. I just wish that Voxtrot would have had this much attention, they make really similar music.
TPOBPAH's debut album is really, really, really fantastic. like all great debuts, they sound completely out of place in the modern age of music. anachronistic, if you will. TPOBPAH sound like a fantastic mesh of The Smiths, (early) Jimmy Eat World and The Cure.
good music is music that stands out. music that makes you stop, double back and think "whoa, nice one, guys". catches you off guard with guitar riffs that evoke happy memories of carefree adolescence ("everything with you"). makes you grin with sweet lyrics about intimate experiences that we all can relate to ("young adult friction")
the self titled album does all of these things.
I really, really dig it.
I probably wouldn't have bothered to get the record so soon but a friend of mine saw them open up for Deerhunter and told me that it was well worth listening to. I'm really quite glad that I took his advice.
the thing is nearly flawless, even though it's awkward at times. perfect in its very imperfection.
highly recommended for everyone: teenagers trying to figure things out for the first time and adults who still have no idea what the hell life's about. listening to the record somehow manages to make everything seem simultaneously relative and completely different.
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - Young Adult Friction [mp3]
(favourite track)
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - Gentle Sons [mp3]
(closing track)
MYSPACE (they're on a massive tour. check for a city near you)
the record dropped three days ago. go forth to your local record shop and pick it up! it's sure to be one of your best purchases of the year.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Radiohead lose a fan

Miley Cyrus has gone from a fan of the band to a hater.
now, normally, I wouldn't post about a worthless teen-bag-o-shit, but this NME article is really, truly too too funny.
"The reason I'm in this business is to make people happy," she said, implying that Radiohead aren't. She added, "I left 'cause I was so upset. I wasn't going to watch. Stinkin' Radiohead! I'm gonna ruin them, I'm going to tell everyone."
hahhahahahahah oh you stupid stupid little girl. the world would have been so much better off if you had remained a fan rather than gone on to become part of the music industry. fucking Disney channel. leave music to proper musicians, please and thanks.
Radiohead - Videotape [mp3]
Winston Audio to play Bottom of the Hill + TOUR DATES

they'll be playing with Manchester Orchestra on Tuesday May 19. a band called Fun will also open. Audrye Sessions are also touring with Manchester Orchestra, but I don't think they're on the bill for the BOTH show.
their debut record The Red Rhythm is SOLID. read my review of their album HERE and an interview with the band HERE
Winston Audio - On My Trail [mp3]
here are more tour dates:
Mar 11 40 Watt - w. Anathallo Athens, Georgia
Apr 4 K Street Tullahoma, Tennessee
Apr 21 Exit In w. Manchester Orchestra Nashville, Tennessee
Apr 22 40 Watt - w. Manchester Orchestra Athens, Georgia
Apr 23 Cat’s Cradle - w. Manchester Orchestra Carrboro, North Carolina
Apr 24 The National - w. Manchester Orchestra Richmond, Virginia
Apr 25 Ottobar - w. Manchester Orchestra Baltimore, Maryland
Apr 26 Trocadero - w. Manchester Orchestra Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Apr 29 Bowery Ballroom - w. Manchester Orchestra New York, New York
Apr 30 Middle East - w. Manchester Orchestra Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 1 Water St. - w. Manchester Orchestra Rochester, New York
May 2 Mr. Small’s - w. Manchester Orchestra Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
May 3 Grog Shop - w. Manchester Orchestra Cleveland, Ohio
May 5 Eagle Theater - w. Manchester Orchestra Pontiac, Michigan
May 6 Skully’s - w. Manchester Orchestra Columbus, Ohio
May 7 Mad Hatter - w. Manchester Orchestra Covington, Kentucky
May 8 Subterranean - w. Manchester Orchestra Chicago, Illinois
May 9 Station 4 - w. Manchester Orchestra Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 12 Marquis Theater - w. Manchester Orchestra Denver, Colorado
May 13 Avalon - w. Manchester Orchestra Salt Lake City, Utah
May 15 El Corazon - w. Manchester Orchestra Seattle, Washington
May 16 Bitmore - w. Manchester Orchestra Vancouver
May 17 Hawthorne Theater - w. Manchester Orchestra Portland, Oregon
May 19 Bottom of the Hill - w. Manchester Orchestra San Francisco, California
May 21 Troubadour - w. Manchester Orchestra Los Angeles, California
May 22 Voodoo Stage HOB - w. Manchester Orchestra San Diego, California
May 23 Congress - w. Manchester Orchestra Tucson, Arizona
May 24 Clubhouse - w. Manchester Orchestra Tempe, Arizona
May 26 Emo’s Inside - w. Manchester Orchestra Austin, Texas
May 27 The Loft - w. Manchester Orchestra Dallas, Texas
May 28 Walter’s - w. Manchester Orchestra Houston, Texas
May 29 Spanish Moon - w. Manchester Orchestra New Orleans, Louisiana
May 30 Proud Larry’s - w. Manchester Orchestra Oxford, Mississippi
May 31 Bottletree - w. Manchester Orchestra Birmingham, Alabama
Jun 2 State Theater - w. Manchester Orchestra St. Petersburg, Florida
Jun 3 The Social - w. Manchester Orchestra Orlando, Florida
Jun 4 The Social - w. Manchester Orchestra Orlando, Florida
visit the band on MYSPACE
Middle Distance Runner release video for new single
watch the play doh version of "the unbeliever" below
I really really like Middle Distance Runner. I stumbled upon their stuff a few months ago on the blogosphere and am just hooked. SPIN has compared them to The Strokes (which is a positive thing, people). their music is ridiculously catchy and I am bitter that they don't have any tour dates in my area as of late. they'll be at SXSW.
Mar 15 SXSW INTERACTIVE -- Social Media Club Party (Buffalo Billiards) Austin, Texas
Mar 18 SXSW "DC Does TX" Day Party (Friends Bar) Austin, Texas
Mar 21 A Blog and A Band SXSW Day Party (Club Primos) Austin, Texas
Mar 22 Vaudeville Mews Des Moines, Iowa
Mar 23 7th Street Entry Minneapolis, Minnesota
Mar 24 UR CHICAGO presents @ Bottom Lounge Chicago, Illinois
Mar 25 Magic Bag Ferndale, Michigan
Mar 26 Aquarius Dayton, Ohio
Mar 27 Thunderbird Cafe Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mar 28 IOTA Club & Cafe Arlington, Virginia
Mar 29 Pasta Primavera presents... @ Metro Gallery Baltimore, Maryland
Apr 10 The Abbey Bar @ Appalachian Brewing Company Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Apr 11 Y ROCK ON XPN AND VGP PRESENTS... @ The Fire Philadelphia
Apr 18 John & Peter’s New Hope, Pennsylvania
Middle Distance Runner - The Madness [mp3]
visit them on MYSPACE
I really really like Middle Distance Runner. I stumbled upon their stuff a few months ago on the blogosphere and am just hooked. SPIN has compared them to The Strokes (which is a positive thing, people). their music is ridiculously catchy and I am bitter that they don't have any tour dates in my area as of late. they'll be at SXSW.
Mar 15 SXSW INTERACTIVE -- Social Media Club Party (Buffalo Billiards) Austin, Texas
Mar 18 SXSW "DC Does TX" Day Party (Friends Bar) Austin, Texas
Mar 21 A Blog and A Band SXSW Day Party (Club Primos) Austin, Texas
Mar 22 Vaudeville Mews Des Moines, Iowa
Mar 23 7th Street Entry Minneapolis, Minnesota
Mar 24 UR CHICAGO presents @ Bottom Lounge Chicago, Illinois
Mar 25 Magic Bag Ferndale, Michigan
Mar 26 Aquarius Dayton, Ohio
Mar 27 Thunderbird Cafe Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mar 28 IOTA Club & Cafe Arlington, Virginia
Mar 29 Pasta Primavera presents... @ Metro Gallery Baltimore, Maryland
Apr 10 The Abbey Bar @ Appalachian Brewing Company Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Apr 11 Y ROCK ON XPN AND VGP PRESENTS... @ The Fire Philadelphia
Apr 18 John & Peter’s New Hope, Pennsylvania
Middle Distance Runner - The Madness [mp3]
visit them on MYSPACE
The Strokes Post #14

this post hopes to serve the purpose of showcasing how they've evolved as a band, not only musically, but in perspective as well
in 2001, Albert Hammond Jr told Guitar Magazine:
"'That whole rock'n'roll thing is tired, like the lead guitarist is the one that does all the coke and Jack Daniels,' Hammond spits, possibly having imbibed some fermented liquid himself earlier on. 'And then you've got the rhythm section, where one of them is gay and the other one goes to bed early every night.'
What about the one where the guitarist makes solo album because he believes that he's the real talent in the band? 'Solo album!' chokes out Hammond, as the rest of the bus collapse in laughter at the idiocy of the suggestion. 'You know what my solo album would be like? It would sound just like The Strokes, because it would be like "Hey Julian! Do you want to sing on my album? Fab, would you play drums. Nikolai, is bass OK? Nick, how about playing some guitar? 'Cos I don't know any other musicians.
'We ain't changing right now - I'm not changing my equipment because I need every single thing and I haven't done everything yet. We won't wait five years to do the next album - I don't like playing things more than a couple of times. We're gonna keep moving, and we're gonna keep moving together."
contrary to what the 2001 Albert may have thought, they did end up releasing solo projects, and the beauty of it all is that they did indeed consult one another for help. Nick contributed to Little Joy, Julian sang on Yours to Keep, etc etc.
I love my boys.
Albert Hammond Jr- Scared [mp3]
The Strokes Post #13 (belated, sorry)
my internet connection died in the library yesterday. it was working one minute (I did post yesterday, afterall), and then I got up to go to the bathroom, my computer fell asleep, and the ghosts of the Main Stacks disabled my wireless connection. I couldn't, for the life of me, re-enable it.
so, here it is at last, your moment of zen:
so, here it is at last, your moment of zen:
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I love insitutions of higher education (aka colleges)

not only for their massive libraries,
not only for the fact that I find myself functioning on three hours of sleep and planning to stay up all night reading about virgin saints when I really don't have to, just because I am a freak of nature who happens to adore learning about seemingly useless things
get this,
you can now get a Master's degree in THE BEATLES.
G-d bless the British.
The Wombats - School Uniforms [mp3]
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Ida Maria
Ida Maria hails from Norway. She has a sort of edginess about her that isn't over the top, but just enough to grab your attention. Unfortunately, when I headed over to youtube to check out her video for "Oh My G-d", I was overwhelmed by the amount of comments left by Gossip Girl fans about, what else have you, "GG".
so, be forewarned, don't tread into comment ville unless you insist on being pummeled
so, be forewarned, don't tread into comment ville unless you insist on being pummeled
Outside Lands Festival is back!
The Strokes Post #12
Ize of the World.
one of the most underrated songs on the most underrated Strokes record. it's pure genius. my all time favourite Strokes song.
The Strokes - Ize of the World [mp3]
I think I know what you mean but watch what you say
'cause they'll be try to knock you down in some way
Sometimes it feels like the world is falling asleep
How do you wake someone up from inside a dream?
Your mind would wander and searched for its place in the night
Your body followed this feeling like following light
Once that your music was born it followed you 'round
And then it gave your activities meaning and let you be loud
You're sad but you smile
It not in your eyes
Your eyeballs won't change
It's the muscles around your eyes
An egg to fertilize
A pulse to stabilize
A body to deodorize
A life to scrutinize
A child to criticize
Young adults to modernize
Citizens to terrorize
Generations to desensitize
You're dreams are sweet and obsessed
And your overworked
You're overtaken by visions of being overlooked
How disappointed would D.(ead) I.(dealistic) D.(esperate) I.(nventor) P.(ioneer) P.(hilosophers)
Be to see such power in our hands all wasted on greed
Am I a prisoner to instincts?
Or do my thoughts just live
As free and detached
As boats to the dock?
Just like when music was born
And detached from your heart
Is your free time to free minds
Or for falling apart?
Night after night
You turn out the light
You don't fall asleep right away
"Are we... are we done?"
A desk to organize
A product to advertise
A market to monopolize
Movie stars you idolize
Leaders to scandalize
Enemies to neutralize
No time to apologize
Fury to tranquilize
Weapons to synchronize
Cities to vapori-
one of the most underrated songs on the most underrated Strokes record. it's pure genius. my all time favourite Strokes song.
The Strokes - Ize of the World [mp3]
I think I know what you mean but watch what you say
'cause they'll be try to knock you down in some way
Sometimes it feels like the world is falling asleep
How do you wake someone up from inside a dream?
Your mind would wander and searched for its place in the night
Your body followed this feeling like following light
Once that your music was born it followed you 'round
And then it gave your activities meaning and let you be loud
You're sad but you smile
It not in your eyes
Your eyeballs won't change
It's the muscles around your eyes
An egg to fertilize
A pulse to stabilize
A body to deodorize
A life to scrutinize
A child to criticize
Young adults to modernize
Citizens to terrorize
Generations to desensitize
You're dreams are sweet and obsessed
And your overworked
You're overtaken by visions of being overlooked
How disappointed would D.(ead) I.(dealistic) D.(esperate) I.(nventor) P.(ioneer) P.(hilosophers)
Be to see such power in our hands all wasted on greed
Am I a prisoner to instincts?
Or do my thoughts just live
As free and detached
As boats to the dock?
Just like when music was born
And detached from your heart
Is your free time to free minds
Or for falling apart?
Night after night
You turn out the light
You don't fall asleep right away
"Are we... are we done?"
A desk to organize
A product to advertise
A market to monopolize
Movie stars you idolize
Leaders to scandalize
Enemies to neutralize
No time to apologize
Fury to tranquilize
Weapons to synchronize
Cities to vapori-
Art Brut- ANOTHER band I need to listen to more of...

a new mp3 has surfaced on RCRD LBL, called "Just Desserts"
I opened up my Art Brut folder and was greatly saddened to see a mere song residing there.
RCRD LBL said it best in their "bio" of Art Brut: Art Brut are an amazing rock n roll band from London, UK
that's about all you need to know.
now listen!
Art Brut - Emily Kane [mp3]
Art Brut - Just Desserts [mp3]
visit Art Brut on MYSPACE
new Death Cab for Cutie video: Grapevine Fires
watch it HERE
I need to listen to Narrow Stairs more thoroughly. I don't even remember this song. I think I heard the whole album only twice through or something. That must be remedied.
I need to listen to Narrow Stairs more thoroughly. I don't even remember this song. I think I heard the whole album only twice through or something. That must be remedied.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Albert Hammond Jr collaborated with Babyshambles?!
how did I not know about this?
I am excited to say the least.
the band is called Helsinki, headed by Babyshambles bassist Drew McConnell.
this song is catchy! those guitars are so distinctly Albert. =)
I'll update soon when I acquire mp3s.
I am excited to say the least.
the band is called Helsinki, headed by Babyshambles bassist Drew McConnell.
this song is catchy! those guitars are so distinctly Albert. =)
I'll update soon when I acquire mp3s.
British electronica meets...Al Jazeera?

ok, now I've seen everything. I had just assumed that the worlds of pop music and my parents' news channel of choice wouldn't ever intersect.
oh, silly old naive me.
Asian Dub Foundation on MYSPACE
Muse talk about their new album

weird, just yesterday I was listening to them and thinking "damn, I could use a new Muse album"
Mr Bellamy said "a symphonic album has turned up here, like a full collaboration with an orchestra. There's definitely a few things on the album which are segueing into each other and it's all very orchestral, but that could take over the album, so it could actually be kind of classical act basically, and move away from rock all together.
We'll be knocking on Classic FM's door, you know?"
sounds good. read more on NME
The Section Quartet - Time is Running Out (Muse cover) [mp3]
this has gotten more plays than the original on my itunes, which is saying something, because the original is my favourite Muse song. this rendition is incredible. BUY THIS CD. the power of Christ compels you!
Grand Lake to play the Knockout
plus a handful of other shows
if you have inhabited the earth for a score and a year or more, catch the boys at the Knockout in the city on Sunday March 8 with Big Round and White Cloud .
and if you're stalking me, I'll make it this much easier for you: you can catch me at their Amoeba show in couple of weeks:
Mar 26 2009 7:00P
Amoeba Music Berkeley - In Store! Berkeley, California
Mar 27 2009 8:00P
Nevermint Release at LoBot! Feat. Man/Miracle & Starfucker!!! Oakland
Mar 28 2009 8:00P
The Hemlock w/ Starfucker San Francisco, California
Apr 10 2009 9:00P
The Uptown w/ Dashing Suns, Sister Grizzly & Rad Cloud Oakland, California
Apr 18 2009 8:00P
Record Store Day! SLO ARTs Center w/ Golden Animals, Dirt Dress San Luis Obispo, California
Apr 19 2009 7:00P
KCPR 91.3 - Sessions San Luis Obispo, California
Grand Lake is a rockin' band from Oakland, and I can attest to the high energy of their super fun performances.
visit them on MYSPACE and show em some love!
if you have inhabited the earth for a score and a year or more, catch the boys at the Knockout in the city on Sunday March 8 with Big Round and White Cloud .
and if you're stalking me, I'll make it this much easier for you: you can catch me at their Amoeba show in couple of weeks:
Mar 26 2009 7:00P
Amoeba Music Berkeley - In Store! Berkeley, California
Mar 27 2009 8:00P
Nevermint Release at LoBot! Feat. Man/Miracle & Starfucker!!! Oakland
Mar 28 2009 8:00P
The Hemlock w/ Starfucker San Francisco, California
Apr 10 2009 9:00P
The Uptown w/ Dashing Suns, Sister Grizzly & Rad Cloud Oakland, California
Apr 18 2009 8:00P
Record Store Day! SLO ARTs Center w/ Golden Animals, Dirt Dress San Luis Obispo, California
Apr 19 2009 7:00P
KCPR 91.3 - Sessions San Luis Obispo, California
Grand Lake is a rockin' band from Oakland, and I can attest to the high energy of their super fun performances.
visit them on MYSPACE and show em some love!
The Strokes Post #11
Sunday, March 1, 2009
reason #3928492348 why Franz Ferdinand are cooler than you
they use human bones for percussion.
I've been meaning to post about this for ages, ever since I read it in SPIN, but I just kept forgetting. here is the passage in the interview in which Alex explains how they came about doing so:

Franz Ferdinand - No You Girls [mp3]
just for the record, "No You Girls" was totally my favourite song off of Tonight: Franz Ferdinand, even before I read that article. now, it's just that much cooler. that song is so much fun.
I've been meaning to post about this for ages, ever since I read it in SPIN, but I just kept forgetting. here is the passage in the interview in which Alex explains how they came about doing so:
Franz Ferdinand - No You Girls [mp3]
just for the record, "No You Girls" was totally my favourite song off of Tonight: Franz Ferdinand, even before I read that article. now, it's just that much cooler. that song is so much fun.
The Strokes Post #10
to all of the naysayers, the people lacking faith in The Strokes,
if you click on the link above, I swear it will not direct you to anything pornographic but rather to RS's smoking section, which features an article about the new record, and the fact that The Strokes have "strong ideas for ten songs"
on an unrelated note, I had NO idea that Ryan was managing School of Seven Bells. nice one, Ryan. good band, I'll post about em soon.
if you click on the link above, I swear it will not direct you to anything pornographic but rather to RS's smoking section, which features an article about the new record, and the fact that The Strokes have "strong ideas for ten songs"
on an unrelated note, I had NO idea that Ryan was managing School of Seven Bells. nice one, Ryan. good band, I'll post about em soon.
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