Miley Cyrus has gone from a fan of the band to a hater.
now, normally, I wouldn't post about a worthless teen-bag-o-shit, but this NME article is really, truly too too funny.
"The reason I'm in this business is to make people happy," she said, implying that Radiohead aren't. She added, "I left 'cause I was so upset. I wasn't going to watch. Stinkin' Radiohead! I'm gonna ruin them, I'm going to tell everyone."
hahhahahahahah oh you stupid stupid little girl. the world would have been so much better off if you had remained a fan rather than gone on to become part of the music industry. fucking Disney channel. leave music to proper musicians, please and thanks.
Radiohead - Videotape [mp3]
I saw that too, and I, as a person who adores Radiohead more than almost anything else, was so unbelievably glad I can't even explain it.
Miley, you got snubbed because you're a vacuous pop wastrel who couldn't come up with your own music if your career depended on it. Apparently Radiohead snubbed Kanye West too, and Kanye said that he was hurt because he considered Radiohead amongst his only creative equals. Ha!
Oh, if only every 'hot new thing' was raging against Radiohead, they might retaliate with an album of low artistic merit to satisfy them.
(to both you lads.)
oh, gosh, I remember the Kanye thing. he wishes. that man couldn't sing to save his own mother.
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