It is absolutely no secret who my favourite band is.
Some people may be surprised to know, however, that my all time favourite song wasn’t, in fact, written by Julian Casablancas. And no, it’s not a super well known song (like, say, “Stairway to Heaven”). It’s not even on a full album. It comes from an EP called Raised by Wolves, by a band called Voxtrot.
I haven't listened to Voxtrot in ages. I mean, I listened to their new single a few days ago, but I hadn't listened to the whole debut album in a really long time. I have, however, been listening to The Smith's The Queen is Dead over and over, and it made me nostalgic for my favourite Texas band (sorry, Spoon).
I discovered Voxtrot when they opened up for Arctic Monkeys two years ago. I liked their set a lot, so did the friend I was with, and we were both upset by the rest of the audience, who were being incredibly rude and were booing the band off of the stage, wanting Alex Turner instead. I ended up buying their album, and later falling in love with it. I subsequently came across the most happy-go-lucky-yet-strangely-depressing-oh-how-I-love-it song ever.
behold, Hanan's all time favourite song:
Voxtrot - The Start of Something [mp3, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!]
I hope that will entice you to pick up their self titled debut album and get acquainted with it. They’re out of hiatus mode, so we can probably expect a new release within the next year.
I know this is ridiculously late, but this song is freakin' brilliant. I'd only heard one song by Voxtrot before, "Trouble", which is excellent, but they're one of those bands I just never got round to listening to despite liking them. Thanks!
ah, Trouble.
well, what are you waiting for? their s/t awaits you!
I'm glad we share the same favourite song :)
It's funny...I'd always rather be listening Voxtrot...always. Everytime I listen to this song, I love it even more. The lyrics are the best.
it really does get better every time I listen to it. it's a scary, awesome phenomenon.
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