and by it I mean both their minds,
and their talent.
The Killers - Four Winds (Bright Eyes cover) [mp3]
The Killers - Tidal Wave [mp3]
the following song followed "Tidal Wave" on my itunes, and it is a more accurate representation of why I used to adore them:
The Killers - Move Away [mp3]
from the Spiderman 3 soundtrack
No, the Killers used to be okay, not good. :)
Seriously? The only thing the Killers ever released that was truly good was the demo _before_ they were on a record label. After that it turned into over-produced pap.
well I've FINALLY seen the error of my ways. I think it was just a very drawn out high school crush on Brandon Flowers in eye makeup. that black and white Mr Brightside video just killed me.
and Patrick, I am almost tempted to ask you about that EP (I've never heard it), but at this point, I've stopped caring about The Killers.
The Killers experiment with their sound which is more than most bands do these days. It's a b-side people relax.
killers = s'alright
'i can't stay' is easily the best song on the new album and thanks for the comment Hanan, i feel your pain as Reading festival this year has an awesome lineup (with acts still to be announced) :)
The Strokes cover The Clash and write songs like "Hawaii" as b-sides. music is music. a b-side is just a song that can't fit in with an album, for whatever reason. "it's just a b-side" is not a good excuse or justification for a band to release shitty songs.
oh I used to adore "I can't stay" but I haven't listened to D&A in so so so long
seriously, Nathan, I am extraordinarily jealous.
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