Franz Ferdinand - Call Me (Blondie Cover) [mp3, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!]
am I incredibly biased or does Franz Ferdinand manage to make everything they touch a billion times better? this band can do no wrong.
Patti Smith - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana cover) [mp3]
the end of this scares me.
Smashing Pumpkins - Isolation (Joy Division cover) [mp3]
I never thought Smashing Pumpkins listened to Joy Division, but it makes absolute perfect sense now that I think about it.
The Morning Benders - I Won't Share You (Smiths cover) [mp3]
this band makes me so happy. I find myself singing "Patient Patient" all of the time.
Elliott Smith - Ballad of a Thin Man (Dylan cover) [mp3]
Elliott on more aggressive guitars. perfect.
Queens Of The Stone Age - Everybody's Gonna Be Happy (The Kinks cover) [mp3]
I love The Kinks. In my opinion, they're just as good as (early) Beatles, only wayy more underrated.
Graham Coxon - Eliminator Junior (Sonic Youth Cover) [mp3]
Sonic Youth, FUCK YEAH! Thurston Moore is one of the greats.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Sheena Is A Punk Rocker (Ramones Cover)
oh shit. this is what the new YYYs record should have sounded like. I really hate It's Blitz.
BONUS (x2)
Jimi Hendrix - Like a Rolling Stone (Dylan cover) [mp3]
a lot of people think this one surpasses the original. that's a tough call. Highway 61 is such a tightly constructed album.
Neil Young - Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Dylan cover) [mp3]
I like Neil Young's original compositions better than this, but this is still pretty sweet
Love the sense of menace of that Franz cover. Sorry you don't like new Yeah Yeah Yeahs record; I think it's a major improvement on Show your Bones...
I totally dig It's Blitz!, and the acoustic songs in the deluxe version just makes it that much better. Wait ... I thought you liked the record. I think you gave it a 4 or 4.5 o.O
BTW, Patti's cover is so wicked cool .. Thanx
I didn't like It's Blitz at first, then I deluded myself into thinking it was good and then I realized that my first instinct was right
I really like the guitar driven song on it, Dragon Queen. other than that, it's kind of a snorefest
Wow! Monster list :)
But the links are already dead! Please repost or just send to only me :D
oh, bandwidth, why must you fail me so?
they have been reposted.
Great Collection of covers, the best of I've seen. Good enough to be an album of covers.
thanks =) I post ones I like every Sunday
Oh my is there any way you could post them again?
yes indeed they shall be up in about 5 minutes.
WOW! This list is phenomenal! no exaggeration! I found this blog through a link on my fav blog Down Charleston Blvd. (http://downcharlestonblvd.wordpress.com) He recommended your blog very highly to me, and I see that he posted a comment above. Down Charleston Blvd. is a different type of blog in a good way and for him to recommend your blog is really saying something. I've bookmarked your blog and will be visiting frequently, keep up the great work!
P.S. You should add him to your blogosphere list, I'm sure he'd return the favor.
glad you enjoyed the songs =)
yeah well you post some pretty spectacular stuff, sir
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