I totally forgot about The Strokes playing in England yesterday. as I was nursing a massive hangover, this is what the Strokes were doing:
there is a very good reason why I have been doing daily posts on this band for the last year and a half. BECAUSE THEY ROCK THE SHIT OUT OF THE EARTH'S CORE.
they played only old songs (in all honesty, this is a strategy I quite like):

many thanks to Eric and his new website for organizing all of this info nicely
Your ankle be gross.
Aww, poor ankle. And thanks to you & Eric both for providing me with concise Strokes summaries. I was feeling overwhelmed attempting to catch up. I too was away all weekend.
you better go see a fucking doctor about that shit. also get skype
Damn that's cold New Z.
i feel bad about ur swollen ankle. but today, monday, in the room u leaked. i mean ur bag of ice leaked, and now there's germs and water all over the floor. anyways, in the modern age video, did u c nick? he was all like... literally beating the drums soo hard. and julian's voice in the nycc video was o-mazingly beautiful and heaven. he's mine. i wish. thx eric and hanan. good luck with your ankle.
Isha wrote this comment :)
as one of my shawties you can call me Neezy as well as New Z
as one of mi recordz, u can call mi isha or isha.
btw, when will i get the 3.5 album of julio. *COUGH *COUGH:MS.HANAN!!!!!
Come on Hanan, get Isha her record already.
shut up Eric. go listen to Delta Spirit.
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