“my highs are high, my lows are low, and I don’t know which way to go”
When it comes to dreamy, sun-drenched nostalgia, LA’s Best Coast have bested SF’s Girls. The irony, of course, lies in the fact that Best Coast’s Bethany Cosentino is actually a girl whereas Christopher Owens is gay at most. And whereas Owens' channels Costello, Cosentino's vocal style is much more comforting, like a friend's whisper delivered with perfect clarity.
Crazy For You is the musical equivalent of reading a teenage girl’s diary, swimming with the nonsensical derision, the fogginess of self-medicating, the stubborn insistence on apathy when in reality, you’re emotionally attached.
It’s striking in the sense that teenage girls have as much emotional turmoil as there is water in the ocean. Theoretically, herein would lie its weakness—how interesting can this actually be? Surprisingly enough, though, the magic of the summer, which best summed up by the straightforward lyric “there’s something about the summer” (“Summer Mood”) gives the album more layers than it could ever have had if it relied on lyrics alone. Whether it’s the jangly tambourines in “Our Deal” or the ever-so-relatable desperate pleas in “Bratty B”, Cosentino’s songs don’t represent adolescent females as much as they reflect the general unpleasantness of being alone. The interplay of her lazy vocals and surprisingly advanced musicianship (aided by partner in crime Bobb Bruno) is reminiscent of early Sonic Youth albums. "I Want To" begins with two minutes of hazy wistfulness before an invigorating set of aggressive guitars changes the tempo of the song, and with it, the self-pitying perspectives that preceded it.
The songs are painstakingly genuine; on the closing track, Cosentino croons "my mama always told me there'd boys like you" before she concludes "I hate sleeping alone". Lo-fi indie doesn't get this honest. Ever. Put on Crazy for You and be comforted by the fact that misery makes for the best art, if not always the warmest sleeping companion.
Crazy for You dropped today. Pick it up at your local indie record shop.
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these guys rock! first discovered on popstarroulette.com but have obviously gone massive!!
Ha, Beth is dating that dude from Wavves.
I know. I hate Wavves.
Yeah well Nathan stole Jay Reatard's band. So fuck him.
funny story. I was in San Diego visiting some friends a few months ago and we went to a free record store show to see The Morning Benders. outside, I was smoking a cigarette and I got a light from this guy. we started talking and he mentioned having a band and it being lo fi or something and I was all, "who do you think you are, Black Lips? I fucking love Black Lips. did you hear about Jared and that retard from Wavves? fuck that guy"
and he paused, shifted uncomfortably and was all
"that's retard is my brother"
awkwaaaaaaaard. I talk way too much
Hahahah oh shit I bet it was. How were you supposed to know that bitch had a brother? Do you remember the name of his band?
haha no it's probably just as retarded as Waaves though.
if you want, I can find the name and then we can make fun of the Williams brothers together.
YES let's do it. I wonder if it's as gay a name as Wavves. Like "Cavves" or something hahah
Firstly, the discussion above made me giggle.
Secondly, it sounds awful, but I have made no effort to listen to these guys as I just sort of dismissed them as another hipster band that Pitchfork appear to worship - however, with the MIE seal of approval I guess I will have to give them ago. As ever, love the way you write.
thanks dude!
I almost overlooked this album, and actually listened to it with malicious intent to rip it apart with a negative review (I have a lot of anger issues) but just fell in love with it.
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