What do you get when you take a talented British musician with a deep, soulful voice and dub beats all over his croons? You get James Blake. Blake has been well versed and educated in all things pertaining music for years now and currently is making his living as an electronic composer. How exceptionally convenient for us, that an extremely talented electronic artist gains attention right around the same time that James Murphey decided to retire. Blake’s music is less danceable than LCD Soundsystem, and by less danceable, I mean it’s a lot more like listen-to-indoors-while-it-rains-outside r&b music than it is dance-floor appropriate. Blake's songs are slow and powerful, and they strongly remind me of Antony and the Johnsons. Blake's music is extraordinarily beautiful, and it deserves your time.
I squished Hanan's face today. Har har har!!! chat or call me today hanan.
What an awesome band! I never seen nothing like this before! seriously!
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