as per Chicago's International Film Festival,
I saw Fever Year today.
It's a documentary about Andrew Bird. The title comes from the unfortunate fact that he sustained a fever/illness/chills for basically an entire year of touring, nearly 170 shows' worth.
Anyway, the film was brilliant. There were plenty of concert clips, and features about his fascination with horns, but best of all, it focused a lot on Bird's songwriting process at the gorgeous Bird Family Farm. It traces back to his early, unknown roots until present day. He talked a lot about how important improvising on stage is, and why he now prefers writing simpler songs so that he can have more freedom in the live setting.
The movie made me have all that much more respect for him.
additional screenings are forthcoming.
Colorado Premiere
Denver Film Festival
SAT. NOV 5, 1:15 PM
SUN. NOV 6, 9:30 PM
Tickets Here
European Premiere
Copenhagen Intl Documentary Film Festival
In Competition
"Sound & Vision Award"
THURS. NOV 10, 22:30
Missouri Premiere
St. Louis International
Film Festival
SAT. NOV 19, 8:30 PM
West Coast/California Premiere
Confirmed for early 2012
Details TBA
Pacific Northwest Premiere
Seattle, Washington
FRI. FEB 17, 8:00 PM
Details TBA
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