Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday Music Definitions: Under Pressure

I am in the midst of midterm season, which for an English major entails hours on end WRITING and READING hundreds and thousands of pages of texts, respectively. I swear, it requires so much more effort than just memorizing facts, which is what is required of most other majors.

anyhow, I apologize for the sparse blogging, I'll come back full throttle with reviews and such soon, I promise

now, there is only one song which adequately describes my situation, and it's Under Pressure. enjoy.

David Bowie and Queen - Under Pressure [mp3]

now, I will watch the Cal/Arizona state game while working on my Philosophy take home midterm.

one last thing, I actually really like the MCR/Used cover. it's a lot of fun. not as good as the original, of course, but I have a weakness for Gerard Way's voice. hear it below:


Anonymous said...

thanks for checking out the weapon - FYI - there's another cover by Xiu Xiu feat. Michael Gira of Swans/Angels of Light - i think it's better than the original. maybe.

Xiu Xiu - Under Pressure (Featuring Michael Gira)

Hanan said...

that's a really cool cover! thanks for the heads up.