Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Strokes Post #93

I feel like I owe you guys an explanation for the lack of regularity in my postings. A couple of things have kept me from posting often. First off, I was absolutely swamped with school, work and trying to see everyone before I left Berkeley.

Secondly, about a month ago, my computer broke, and I didn't get it back until yesterday. Thankfully, my entire music collection was unscathed (I had most of it backed up, minus most of my bootlegs and covers though). I'd been posting covers, mp3s and other things from cds I had, and stuff off of my mp3 player. To post, I was using my work computer and ones at labs or libraries.

Anyhow, I am going to be lazing around for the next year, as I refuse to do anything productive (this will probably only last for a couple of weeks before my brain gets so bored that it demands that I teach myself another language). I'll be posting a lot, probably mostly album reviews. I just wanted to say thanks for sticking around and reading, I appreciate the continued support from you guys.

as for my Strokes post, I wanted to post a couple of songs from First Impressions of Earth, and I'll explain why first.

Thursday night I went to see Kings of Leon (review is forthcoming) and I met more Strokes fans than I had ever met before in my life. It's really frustrating for me, a HUGE Strokes fan, to never have anyone to talk to about The Strokes. Anyhow, I was talking to this one girl whose favourite band was also the greatest one on earth, about our favourite Strokes songs and I mentioned that if I had to pick one absolute favourite Strokes song it would have to be Ize of the World, and she went "no way, me too!" I find it interesting that everyone calls First Impressions The Strokes' weakest record, because it obviously isn't.

It's loud, it's aggressive, and it's perfect.

Anyhow, after the show, I went to a few parties and ended up smoking at my friend's friend's frat, in a room with Interpol playing. I remarked that I loved Interpol, and then the guy got up, went to his computer, and started playing First Impressions. No joke. Just out of nowhere, it was AWESOME.

so here are two of my favourite Strokes songs ever, Ize of the World and You Only Live Once, the opener that never ceases to give me chills, especially when completely unexpected from a stranger's itunes.

The Strokes - Ize of the World [mp3]

The Strokes - You Only Live Once [mp3]


Skunch said...

You're not alone, pretty much anyone with more than half a brain loves The Strokes. You Only Live Once is an excellent track and probably best emotionally comforting song in the world.

HeadlineGirl said...

Yo Yo Yo! Shannon, from Kings of Leon! It was great meeting you!

Jim said...

my fav song of first impressions is 'vision of division' the live version in korea is bloody awesome

Hanan said...

skunch: sadly, I tend to interact with primarily half-brained people then

hey Shannon! haha

Jim: ah, Vision of Division is mindblowing. I'll look that one up (I'm sure I've seen it but just to remember which one you're referencing.) mine is the live t at the park 2006

Tara said...

Yesss, First Impressions has some amazing songs - I'm not sure anything has ever made me as happy as Julian's dancing in the YOLO video.

Also I know what you're saying about not having friends who are Strokes obsessives - we held a quiz night at school the other day, and I'd compiled an album covers round and OBVIOUSLY 'Is This It?' was in there. Most people didn't know. One guessed Kylie. I wanted to cry.

Hanan said...

oh that's just awful.
haha yes his dancing in the YOLO video is fantastic. I love that song so so much

Silvia D. said...

Have noticed how people don't seem to understand the power within First Impressions and it makes me think it's due to lack of ART in this world. That ppl aren't being exposed to art or have forgotten what is art in music and there you go. Sad.

Sorry to hear that you don't really have that many people whom you can share the love for this amazing band with; almost the same here - except I've hit the jackpot: it's my bf's fav band ever as well. We love lots of bands, but...

I love Interpol so much I don't even think Paul sounds like Ian anymore; the whole thing sounds so entirely different than the Joy; just like when the Strokes reached larger crowds and people would constantly stick to the notion of Lou Reed's voice.

If you're a painter you can/should follow certain "schools", if you're an architect or something... In music people are very, dangerously quick to judge and bash.

Nature is so simple yet it's also too cruel. 20 years later someone will come up in music and their register, the voice will be extremely similar to someone else's. So what? So what???

"Ize of the World" is one of my permanent top 5 Strokes tracks. Can't bring myself to pick *one* all time favorite.

My MP3 player is old and only carries 3 full albums to which I listen every time I'm on the street and I don't have to tell you what band's in it.

Hanan said...

ah that is the jackpot indeed! I've never met a boy who loves The Strokes as much as I do. or even whose favourite band is The Strokes. I am very jealous.

oh yeah I remember when Interpol were constantly compared to Joy Division. love both bands, but I agree, he's transcended that

thanks for the insightful comment! I always appreciate feedback =)

(haha and when I had a similar mp3 player, I only had those three albums on it too. good stuff.)