In countless recent interviews, the power duo of MGMT have insisted that their second LP moves far away from their magnificent 2008 debut, Oracular Spectacular. It’s starting to seem as though they did that to fend off suspicions of sophomore slump. Although this is an admirable form of preemptive defense, it is unfortunate to realize that they did it with full knowledge of their musical shortcomings.
When it comes down to it, Congratulations spreads itself too thin over too many genres without enough cohesiveness to bind everything together. The band purposefully created an album without any obvious singles because that is how they want it to be consumed—as a single unit. However, much of their charm came directly from those playful standout tracks found on Oracular Spectacular—which actually accentuated the slower tracks and made them all that more endearing—and, without them, MGMT fail to strike a chord.
The effervescent closer, “Congratulation” could easily have been on their debut album, but it lacks the novelty which the band has been bragging about. Or what about the excruciating “Siberian Breaks”? A 12 minute tribute to 80’s soft pop? Thanks, but no thanks. The single saving grace on the whole album is the mischievous, Misfits inspired track called “Brian Eno”. Everything else fades into uninspired drivel. Look elsewhere for a good fix of psychedelic music, you won’t find it here.
MGMT - Electric Feel [mp3]
from Oracular Spectacular
you're right, i was so disappointed by the album.. i really liked flash delirium - not as much as "electric feel" or "of moons, birds and monsters" but i liked it.. then i listened to the album and at the end i was like wtf, where are the good songs??
i have to say that i consider "siberian breaks" as one of the better songs on it, but nevermind, it is no music which makes you want to enter the dancefloor.. if you want to have music like that try "yeasayer" instead..
The album is more mature then Oracular Spectacular in the way that it weeds out the fans who only listened to the singles. It took a few listens but it became one of my favorite albums of 2010. They did this one for them and this will for sure show who the real fans are opposed to the radio slaves. It's an album that is used for diffrent situations then Oracular Spectacular and i don't care personally if you do only like the dance coated singles. A fan is a fan but don't give this album crap if you are. With Love of course, Maro Leon.
"in the way that it weeds out the fans who only listened to the singles"
well, it has nothing to do with just listening to the singles. first of all, i don't listen to the radio at all because they simply do not play the music i'm interested in and secondly, all of the songs on oracular spectacular were simply amazing, if you just think about "the youth" or "of moons..." which are my favourites and i'm not sure but i don't think that those were singles..
and "congratulations" is simply boring.. even if people consider themselves "fans" of a certain band they can still be faithful about their records and they don't blindly have to like every song simply because they are "fans"...
of course, it's okay for everyone to appreciate the album, i just think that persons who don't should not be accused of just listening to singles..
this track is like a lame surf rock song.
@ Mel
It's not a big deal. I wasent attacking you personally but most of the people who i've run into who listen to MGMT think "Congrats" is a horror. Im just saying that this album will show who actually listens to the lyrics and are able to adjust to positive change from bands. Sorry if i hurt your feelers for whatever reason. With Love, Maro Leon.
@ Maro Leon
that's really nice of you. you did not hurt my feelings i just wanted to answer so that noone thinks i wouldn't know more than "kids" or whatever :D
but you actually made me think, so i started to listen to the songs again and i'm listening to the album right now and maybe i'll like it better after a few listens.. who knows ;)
@ Mel
Hope it grows on ya :D It took me a few listens. Siberian Breaks is to long i will admit haha.
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