(please do click on the above picture to get the desired full effect)
I was exasperated yesterday when my younger brother told me that he couldn't switch from Honors English to regular English because there wasn't enough room in the latter. In my days (and I am only four years older than him) there were ONLY TWO honors classes, with 20 people each. Our grade consisted of 450 students. So the honors students were less than 10%. So what my brother is saying is that now, there aren't even that many people capable of accelerated coursework. That made me so sad, especially because I want to teach one day. I was just thinking yesterday how if there were classes in Guitar Hero and brand name shoes, today's generation would be star pupils. Which brings me to today's post. Take a looskie at this bit of news on Rolling Stone:
Teen Drops Out of High School To Become Professional “Guitar Hero”
that makes me want to bang my head against the wall, but I will refrain for the sake of my brain cells, which apparently are a rare commodity in our society.
I have nothing against kids dropping out of school to pursue music. The lead singer of my favourite band (Julian Casablancas of the Strokes) dropped out after junior year, but then continued studying music. Having ambition is admirable. But thinking that you can support yourself via a simulated video game is simply retarded.
The Hives - Walk Idiot Walk [mp3]
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