Folie a Deux is, quite simply, Fall Out Boy’s weakest record to date. I’m listening to my beloved vinyl copy of “Give ‘Em Enough Rope” in an attempt to get the awfulness out of my ears. Only the Clash can save me from the mediocrity of a very very very very belated sophomore slump on FOB’s part. The record not only lacks momentum, but cohesion as well. There is no powerful feeling, no tracks that really stand out, no theme or anything. Pete had claimed that the guitars will explore new territory and we might mistake it for AC/DC. Lies. They barely scratch the surface with that claim.
I think the reason I am so mad at this record is because I know how good Fall Out Boy can be. Infinity on High was GENIUS (and helloooo Take This To Your Grave.) I think that Fall out Boy is trying too hard to sound like something that they are not, and it just isn’t working for them. Why try to reinvent yourself when you were good in your niche before?
The tracks jump around with many guest vocalists and different feels in each song, but it isn’t eclectic in a good way the way that Albert Hammond Jr’s newest record is. It is just…ugh. The songs on their own are ok, but barely.
Really, Fall Out Boy, I am disappointed in you.
2/5 (this is me being generous)
Fall Out Boy - 20 Dollar Nosebleed [mp3]
When this song started playing, I thought “this sounds like Fall Out Boy trying to be Panic at the Disco trying to be The Beatles” and then I heard Brendon Urie start singing and I just laughed. I SO CALLED IT. This is probably the best song of the bunch, but that isn’t saying much, as it isn’t anything special
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