Monuments are from Brooklyn. They make music that sounds like the rain. Steady but mysterious. Their slower, acoustic driven tracks (“I’m Here Now”) are like One by One era Foo Fighters whereas the rest of their songs are guitar heavy and experimental, like Pink Floyd. The chord progression in “Expectations” sounds suspiciously like “Paranoid Android” but they make it their own by building the suspense into a ferocious frenzy of an ending. I’d be more concerned if they weren’t drawing inspiration from Radiohead. The songs are dizzying yet satisfying, like Explosions in the Sky through the rock’n’roll looking glass. Their self titled album does not deliver any specific musical agenda: the band doesn’t sound like anything in particular, neither band nor genre. They seek refuge in their own brand of creativity, stubbornly independent like a sailor at sea.

Check it out:
Monuments – Ice Pick Lobotomy [mp3]
Monuments on MYSPACE
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