the band's MYSPACE profile tells all:
Hailing from Oregon, Ohio, and DC, and Forming in early 2008 in NYC/Brooklyn, in Cadeo is a fresh dose of kick-you-in-the balls/face/balls kind of indie rock. Having just released their self-titled debut EP in April 2008, they will be releasing their first full-length album in January.
This is Hanan, and I fully endorse this message.
They are actually giving away both their EP and a sampler of their LP FREE IN DIGITAL FORM ON THEIR WEBSITE. CLICK HERE to download the lovely tunes.
I really like this band. Apparently, I downloaded their stuff ages ago, but never got a chance to give em a listen. Thanks to shuffle, I heard (and fell in love with) "The Archer", a song with proper "indie" sound. haha yes, that gives you permission to hate me.
"Passing" sounds like something from Dashboard Confessional if Chris Carrabba stopped screeching and started singing, "Vultures" emulates early Modest Mouse, and "City Lights" sounds like happier Elliott Smith songs. "Ghosts" is sung like The National's songs, minus Matt's baritone. download each of these songs below:
In Cadeo - Passing [mp3]
In Cadeo - Vultures [mp3]
In Cadeo - City Lights [mp3]
In Cadeo - Ghosts [mp3]
In Cadeo - The Archer [mp3, highly recommended!]
keep an eye out for their forthcoming record early next year!
1 comment:
Great band! Their music is available for licensing as well.
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