What can I say about the new Franz Ferdinand album?
In a nutshell? It’s brilliant.
The entire album grapples with lyrics along the same lines as “If I Fell” by the Beatles, the insecurities that come with the heftiness of the “l” word. “Oh, you know, you know, you know, that yes I love---I mean I'd love to get to know you,” Alex sings on “No You Girls.” He puts up an impenetrable wall, as not to get hurt. We've all been there.
After kicking off with a killer opening track (their first single, “Ulysses”), Franz don’t falter one bit. The synth driven energy is high as a kite (“Live Alone”), the guitars ferocious in a way that would make Jack White proud (“Can’t Stop Feeling”), and we get some classic sounding Franz with “No You Girls”, plus an irresistible bass line. “Lucid Dreams” is electronica heaven. Did I mention that the guitar solo in “What She Came For” is one of the best I’ve heard in ages?
But then Alex and the boys turn it down a notch, using what sounds like a triangle in “Dream Again” to ease you on into one of the most contemplative songs in pop music today, “Katherine Kiss Me”, where you can find a slow, acoustic, piano ballad (get images of the Fray out of your mind. This is what slow songs should sound like. Think “Sylvia Plath” by Ryan Adams.) This last song references the previously crass lyrics in a disapproving way, and Alex declares "Sometimes I say the stupid things I think I mean...and do you ever wonder how the boy feels?" Franz Ferdinand are in touch with their emotions. Go figure.
One of the problems that most bands face is creating albums that are well rounded and strike a good balance, leaving listeners in awe, completely satisfied with what they have just listened to, and compelled to listen to it over and over again. In that respect, Franz have excelled. They retained their danceable sound, incorporated some more advanced songwriting, and thrown us a curve ball with the final two slow songs, just to stick it to the rest of us that we cannot be as cool as these Scottish rockers.
Put on your dancing shoes and your sensitive pants, this album is guaranteed to please on every level possible.
"Can't Stop Feeling" better be pretty Rock and Roll if you're gonna do something as obvious as that, but at least you know to cater to your fanbase.
ahahaha no, seriously, that is what I thought when I was listening to it! it's not even the best song on the record, but it reminded me heavily of Get Behind Me Satan. hahahah it had nothing to do with you, I swear. nonetheless, I'm glad you're reading on and heeding my musical advice.
I can't wait to get this one. I didn't even realise it was out!
it's not, it comes out next week. it leaked a few days back though.
just a few minutes ago, I had this incredible urge to listen to "Live Alone". hot damn I love this record.
fair enough.
ps I found out about your blog solely because I searched for 'eargasm' in google and this came up, and I decided 'yes, I will comment and subscribe'.
True story.
haha that is utter bull, sir, but I appreciate the attempted flattery all the same
i swear, if had taken a screen cap, you would believe me.
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