haha weird, I was JUST telling some friends about THIS last night...
this was Radiohead's lead singer's response:
"wish us all a safe journey if you still like us and you're not one of those people i have managed to offend by doing nothing xx Thom"
nicely done, sir.
(thanks to Jackie at Cartoon Music for Superheroes for the scoop!)
Thom Yorke - Black Swan [mp3]
from his solo album, The Eraser
See - that's class. When Wayne Coyne gave Win the treatment, Win wrote this lengthy rant about how great the Arcade Fire is. Thom Yorke? He just brushes it off in one sentence.
yeah Thom Yorke is basically the epitome of awesome
personally, I don't like feuds between bands but I think Wayne probably has a point. Win Butler seems like the kind of musician who would be an ass to fans. then again, he is Canadian and they're a friendly bunch (yay for stereotypes!)
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