Monday, April 20, 2009

The Strokes Post #60

my favourite Strokes solo can be found in the above video. it's like Nick's guitar is having a seizure. a super sexy seizure.


Eric said...

You're mistaken.

The best solo is either Ize of the World, Whatever Happened or Take it Or Leave It.


Hanan said...

oh damn Ize of the World is so fucking good.

ALone Together just does something to me. I can't explain it.

Anonymous said...

everyone go to and vote for fab moretti as greatest drummer!

eric said...

@Hanan - Makes you orgasm?

I really like the Alone Together solo because it sneaks up on you b/c the song is kind of low-key up to that point and then it just spontaneously explodes and Julian gets really intense with his "First time" lyrics. It's one of the best, but I prefer the three I listed.

(I can't wait for the new record too)

Hanan said...

haha yes, that is it exactly.

the "first time" lyric makes me melt. really, he couldn't be sexier.

eric said...

I like your profile pic too.

Where/when was that taken? Are you stalking fab?

Hanan said...

no, that was from the greatest night of my life: when I went to see Little Joy, I was hanging out at the venue after the show (everyone had left but like two other people) and JUST as the security people were kicking us out, Fab comes out, super intoxicated and invites us backstage to have a few drinks and eat Matt Romano's cookies. I got to chill with him for like 2 hours. it was incredible.

Eric said...

Holy shit, that's fucking cool. Did you see them in CA or NY? Why was Matt Ramano there? What did you all talk about and what was Binki like?

I'm going to go through your site and try to find this post, if you wrote one up.

The best part about it, though, is that Fab was cool and not an asshole. It would suck if he ruined your opinion of The Strokes by being a dick.

I'm going to go look now.

Hanan said...

CA, in SF
Matt was Little Joy's drummer for the tour

we talked about everything. music, mostly, but hippos and college and loads of stuff
Binki, surprisingly, was sweet. I had her pegged for a bitch before I met her but she's just super shy. she's a sweetheart

yeah, Fab just cemented my belief that The Strokes are the coolest fucking people on earth