We The Living - Black Swan (Thom Yorke cover) [mp3]
a Wisconsin band that manages to sound very British.
Bell x1 - I Fought the Law (The Clash cover) [mp3]
this is just precious.
UPDATE: the song was originally by The Crickets, and The Clash covered it as a promo single
Death Cab for Cutie - Complicated (Avril Lavigne cover) [mp3, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!]
Ben says "guys, shut up, this is serious!" a bunch of times. the ending bit is super hilarious. I kind of sang along to every word, a frightening reminder of what I listened to in middle school...
MGMT - Roger (Laid Back cover) [mp3]
the boys covering a song by a Danish synth/funk group from the 80's. nice.
Michael Andrews & Gary Jules - Mad World (Tears for Fears cover) [mp3]
a lot of people have been talking about this song because an American Idol contestant covered it, but I love it because it reminds me of Donnie Darko
Fiona Apple - Across the Universe (The Beatles cover) [mp3]
simply lovely.
Sufjan Stevens -Free Man In Paris (Joni Mitchell cover) [mp3]
Sufjan has such a distinctly haunting voice. nothing else affects me like listening to his music.
Travis - I Kissed a Girl (Katy Perry cover) [mp3]
two parts creepy, one part awesome, and no where nearly as annoying as the original.
Patti Smith - Gloria (Van Morrison cover) [mp3]
just found out that this song, off her intensely awesome debut album Horses, is a cover. although she did reinvent the song, kind of like...
Led Zeppelin - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You (Anne Bredon cover) [mp3]
hello, favourite song by Zep. like the Patti Smith song, it's found on their debut, and is much different than the original, which is a folk song.
Phoenix - Playground Love (Air cover) [mp3]
these guys have quickly replaced Daft Punk as my favourite French band. I can't get enough of any of their songs, and this cover is ace.
Adele - Last Nite (The Strokes cover) [mp3]
I don't really like this one, but people keep requesting it, so here you go
Max Vernon - I Kissed a Girl (Katy Perry cover) [mp3]
this one is much more trance-y, driven by pianos and Max's self-confident vocals.
Ben Folds - Lost in the Supermarket [mp3, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!]
I couldn't help myself, when I heard the adorable cover of "I Fought the Law", I had to contest it with this cover, which is even more cuddly and un-Clashlike yet fun fun fun.
love the thom yorke cover! and the ben folds' 'lost in the supermarket'. That's my all time favourite clash song!
Well, technically The Clash's "I Fought the Law" is a Bobby Fuller Four cover.
Ahhh, the Death Cab and Travis ones were great. Ben Gibbard is a genius.
No Quarter still stands high as my favorite Led Zeppelin song. You really need to get Houses of The Holy, in case you haven't gotten it already.
Actually, technically "I Fought The Law" is a *Crickets* cover...they did it before Fuller, although of course Fuller made it famous. A Great song, in any event.
Love the horns on Ben Folds' "Lost In The Supermarket". Thanks!
Excellent, thank you very much, its always worthwhile coming here to check what you're listening to and what you think.
The links already died sir! Can i haz covers?
thanks for all the feedback guys
to Joseph and Brett, thanks for that info, I've updated the post
to Murphey, I own all of Led Zeppelin's albums except for LZ III, Physical Graffiti and Coda. I really like Houses of the Holy but I think I like their first two albums the best
to Robin, I reuploaded the songs. didn't think the bandwidth would be used up in two days...
Thanks for the covers ... Gloria was the reason I became a fan of Patti Smith c: ... The original song is pretty snazzy too.
Oh wow...the lack of Physical Graffiti is highly disturbing.
I believe Joan Baez recorded the first version of "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You"?
to Murphey, I'll try to remedy that the next time I go record shopping.
to James, yes, but Anne Bredon wrote the song.
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