the sunshiney band stopped by the Daytrotter studios to perform two songs, "No One's Better Sake" and "Keep Me in Mind"
the article ends: "Little Joy is this fountain of gorgeous optimism that will always force your day into turning out better than it otherwise would have."
I couldn't agree more.
read the article and download the free songs HERE
is it just me or is the guy all the way on the right the guitarist from The Dead Trees?
He is from The Dead Trees. He's playing guitar for them on their U.S. tour right now. So is Tad, their bassist.
And I totally agree about the last line, I love Little Joy.
oh ok thanks
yeah I saw Tad perform with them on a tv performance...it was Conan or Letterman or one of those...
The Dead Trees are fantastic. I think I'm gonna go spin their record.
I love them so much, definitely one of my favourite albums last year. Thanks for this!
you're welcome =)
Little joy opening for Regina Spektor
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