just heard the latest from John Mayer...it's a very, very laid back song backed with a simple and pleasant addition from his acoustic guitar
"who says I can't get stoned....who says I can't be free?" he sings softly
this song is so simple and genuine, it reminds me a bit of Toy Story. I love it. this might be my favourite thing he's ever written, even though a lot of his work is better than this.
I never would have expected this from John Mayer. Ryan Adams, maybe, but not Mayer. this makes me like him a whole lot more. my respect for him has also gone up, past the fact that he attended Berklee. I will definitely be on board for his new album, Battle Studies, which will see a November release
John Mayer - Who Says [mp3, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!]
Did you hear the subliminal "johnmayer.com" about 1/3 through the song? Bizarre...now deleted. That was a bit creepy.
oh whoa I totally listened to the song a bunch of times and didn't notice that (just listened again and heard it) that's what happens when you multi-task. le sigh
that was probably just so people would hear the song but buy the single. pretty smart, kind of lame.
The song is quite catchy, but I would have preferred he released Perfectly Lonely as the first single from Battle Studies. I think this is an odd choice to be honest.
has this album leaked already? I haven't heard anything other than "Who Says"
I agree with what you say about toy story. kinda makes me want to go back and watch it :P
I myself do think it sounds awesome, similar to my own music i think. But im not so sure about the stoned line. With great power comes great responsibility. Alot of the people who listen to John Mayer are still young and impressionable.
Cant have Woodie smoking up a spliff in toystory now can we?
excellent, I am loving this kind of music, thanks for share the links to download the albums, I know that sometimes the people do not know about it but you have to be open to new rhythms!
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