Julian made the list of SPIN's 21 fall albums that matter the most
the list itself is decent, I disagree with a bunch of it, but then again, it's SPIN and I love it to death. by far my favourite magazine, I read it cover to cover every month and have been doing so for years.
here's what they have to say about Phrazes (love the last bit about 11th Dimension):
Release Date: October 20
The Skinny: With the Strokes still on hiatus after 2006's poorly received First Impressions of Earth, Phrazes is the most anticipated effort by an individual bandmember yet (Casablancas is the fourth Stroke overall to go it alone -- only guitarist Nic Valensi [sic] remains solo-less). It's also a carefully composed, if slightly eccentric, collection of catchy synth-rock numbers that rock and croon with aplomb, especially the blissfully-stoned-on-the-boardwalk, shoulda-been summer jam "11th Dimension."
Fast Fact: While completing Phrazes for the Young and preparing to play live as a solo act, Casablancas has also been in the studio working on new material with the other members of the Strokes.
thats a cool review, but what is with all this Im always reading about no one liked FIOE?? but also sometimes I read ROF was hated. Occasionally I am glad I live in the music-lover equivalant of a fart for a town, because in my stinky vacuum I am able to like stuff without hearing its bad.
I enjoyed the review and it makes a good point: 11th Dimension would have been perfect this summer, taking Phoenix's torch and running with it.
As far as Allie's comment goes, people are always going to shit on everything The Strokes do because they want(ed) their new records to mean the same thing the first did. And nothing's ever going to touch ISI because of everything it changed (out with nu metal and in with "garage rock" bands like KOL, YYY, AMonkeys, etc.).
But I think all Strokes fans have to admit (though they might not do it in this space) that FIoE has lulls (specifically the songs between Electricityscape and IotWorld). The Is This It version with NYC Cops in the place of When It Started doesn't. Every song is perfect.
ROF is kind of the same as FIoE, with lulls in the form of YTWTMuch and The Way It Is.
I read somewhere recently that ISI was the past and nostalgia, ROF was the present, the now, and FIOE was the future. Maybe people are so desperate for the kind of nostalgic warmth in ISI that when ROF came about, it was doomed to be received that way. FIOE was just everyone wanting to hate the Strokes because it got different and complex, in my opinion.
FIOE has lulls, I agree, but a lull from the Strokes is better than 95% of the music from this decade. ROF, in my opinion, has no lulls - but that's because I listened to it way, way too much. Can you imagine if they hadn't evolved more after ISI? If the other members gained more involvement in the process? We'd have three great albums anyway, but NME and everyone else with a flute up their ass would say that it all sounds the same (which people still say today).
When It Started, by the way, was lullish for me - but I don't count it as a part of ISI really, either.
Hanan, why is SPIN so great? I've been thinking about subscribing to a music mag. for a while but they all seem like bullshit to me.
I agree Katzen, I think that's what they were trying to get at with the whole 'album evolution' imagery on their website no? A primate holding ISI, caveman with ROF, spaceman with FIOE? Maybs I'm overanalysing but it's almost as if the three were being treated as a trilogy, (which does make prospects exciting for the mysterious fourth album).
'Blissfully-stoned-on-the-boardwalk', that is a great line!!
There are no lulls. The majority of people's ears haven't adjusted yet to appreciate the marvelous sound of FIOE.
Klein, that makes a lot of sense - I haven't seen those! And that really is a great line.
Mister Anonymous, I would love it if that were true.
klein i had the same idea about that "evolution" sort of thing, When I go to NZ will you take me to boardwalk and we can get blissfully stoned (ambien, or weed your choice) and listen to our ipods?
Hahahah consider it DONE Allie. I do believe 'stoned' will be the 6th S!
anon, I love you and agree wholeheartedly. FIRST IMPRESSIONS IS GENIUS.
there are no lulls in the Strokes discography. get off your high horses people, not every song has to be formulaic. that's what we love about The Strokes. in my opinion, every single song of theirs is perfect and I wouldn't change a thing. First Impressions, as an album, is probably the best composed in my opinion. what I mean is there are so many coherent themes, and the way that the songs are structured are just perfectly balanced. I love that album so much.
I think I might have to take a trip to NZ this summer =)
oh, Katzen,
I forgot to answer your question,
SPIN is great for a bunch of reasons
first off, their taste in music is really good. this is the most important thing. the magazine started as an alternative to Rolling Stone, when it first started spewing bullshit (about 25 years ago). they don't have agendas, they just expose really good music. their cover choices are really good. I love that they put Vampire Weekend on the cover amongst all of the hype, just to show solidarity with a really great band.
their writers are amazing. Klosterman worked for them and he's one of my favourite writers. check out their Dead Weather issue. when everyone else was talking to Jack White, they talked to Alison, and explored their dynamic together, how they met etc etc. they always have such an interesting spin on everything (haha pun.) in the same issue, there is an AMAZING interview with Jarvis Cocker. it's seriously one of my favourite interviews ever.
when the new issue is out, you can read old issues online. you don't even have to subscribe to read the mag. for a long time, I relied on the digital version, which was especially nice as a procrastination tool while working in the library
in the first couple of pages (after CONTENTS) of every issue, they do this thing called "Soundcheck" which is a two page spread of concert photography. sokmetimes it's far away, sometimes it's super zoomed in, but it is always awesome. they also have a monthly feature of them going into a musician's bedroom and explain what they find. it's really cool.
their album reviews are spot on, and I read the mag cover to cover because it's just really well made.
and then they gave The Strokes a five cover issue, something they've never done with any band (and neither has any other mag to my knowledge)
They love The Strokes (obv, they have good taste) and I just love them.
You should TOTALLY come join the party Hanan!!!!
Cant believe they said FIOE was poorly received?
I wonder where they found that out!
All right Hanan. You convinced me. I remember the five cover thing - that was awesome.
And, by the way, by "lull" I meant "not as accessible to the public/morons", not at all less musically wonderful. Please. Don't shoot.
ok, so I'll agree that Fear of Sleep is definitely not accessible to the public, but it is indeed musically wonderful.
"I know you hate being impressed with someone else other than yourself but trying to hold back on being an asshole helps"
I love Julian.
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