Dirty Pretty Things - Hippy's Son [mp3]
Beck - Nitemare Hippy Girl [mp3]
Black Lips - Hippie, Hippie, Hoorah [mp3]
The Dodos - Horny Hippies [mp3, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!]
this song is so pretty. I love the Dodos. they combine primal percussion with psychedelic guitars, and they manage to craft perfect songs which sound so simple but so layered. the lyrics to this song are surprisingly cynical.
Jarvis Cocker + Radiohead - Do the Hippogriff [mp3]
When I first bought Beware of the Maniacs, the first song I listened to was Horny Hippies. It's so good and by far one of my favorites of theirs. It's a pretty sad song, but I love it!
I have it on vinyl and the first time I heard it (it's a few tracks in as you know) I paused at Horny Hippies and was all "holy crap what is this" and looked it up on the tracklisting. it's the only mp3 from Maniacs that I bothered to hunt down
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