yesterday, I finally watched 500 Days of Summer. I've been anticipating its release for months, but it nevertheless took me a week to get myself to the movie theatre. I went with my best friend, and we spent the rest of the night bashing shitty ex-boyfriends and talking about how Talia Shire singlehandedly ruined the third G-dfather film with her atrocious acting.
two things really struck me about the movie.
1. you know those perfect music moments in your favourite films, the ones that give you shivers? the ending of Fight Club with Pixies, or the opening of Eternal Sunshine with Beck? the entire damn film was like that. Mychael Danna scored the film, and he did a brilliant job, just like he did with Little Miss Sunshine.
2. the reality vs expectations scene. that hit me like a ton of bricks.
the film was funny and original and simply lovely. I'd highly recommend it.
anyhow, this post is dedicated to Joseph Gorden-Levitt's character, Tom.
even though my history with relationships is a lot more aligned with Zooey Deschanel's Summer (aka I avoid them like the plague), I sympathized with Tom a lot more.
if I ever met my musical soulmate only to have them leave me, I would go insane.
Bob Dylan - Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (live, No Direction Home, 1966) [mp3]
Sonic Youth - Tom Violence (live, Hollywood, 1990) [mp3]
Shinobu - Dear Thomas Merton (This Man is an Island) [mp3, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!]
this was my favourite song off Herostratus vs Time, an album from a local indie band that I was obsessed with in high school. the misery pretty much encapsulates Tom precisely.
The Who - Sparks [mp3]
from Tommy, and Almost Famous ; )
The Clash - Tommy Gun (live, Memorial Colosium 1982) [mp3]
The main reason I'm excited for heading to the states next week is the prospect of seeing this haha.
you're gonna love love love it.
Oh no :< It says that your bandwidth has been exceeded!
urg, sorry! if you come back tomorrow to download the songs, it should work...my bandwidth is rest at the beginning of each month and tomorrow is the first.
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