because, for nineteen of my twenty years on this earth, I've lived on the West coast of the United States, specifically California's beautiful Bay Area.
Andrew Bird - Way Out West [mp3]
from the live album Fingerlings
Billie Holiday - East Of The Sun (West Of The Moon) [mp3]
Pavement - Western Homes [mp3]
Louis Armstrong - West End Blues [mp3]
Coconut Records - West Coast [mp3]
I love everything Jason Schwartzman has ever done.
She & Him - Sweet Darlin' [mp3]
as much as I love Zooey Deschanel, I really don't like Volume One by She & Him. I really like her singing voice but hate her songwriting. the only songs that I like from the album are the covers she does, and the one song she co-writes, with, you guessed it, Jason Schwartzman.
You forgot West End Girls!
Yeah, you pinned it. I like the video she made with Joseph Gordon-Levitt for Why Do You Let Me Stay Here? though.
Mary Shea, I've never seen that. all I do know is in all of her original songs, she does this I'm-from-the-South thing, which is inauthentic and annoying.
and to nateraabe,isn't that the song that Flight of the Concords parodied with "Inner City Pressure"? hahhahaha.
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