Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Strokes Post #270

photos from a boy I met at the concert who doesn't really appreciate Julian. it makes me angry, seeing as how so many people would kill to see this genius live, and there are people who go to concerts because of work assignments and don't even enjoy it. funnily enough, he feels the same way about King Khan as we do about Julian so maybe I should go to a King Khan show and be all indifferent about it. that'll show em.


Allie said...

ok fux that old bitch. he shouldve given those tickets to me if he was gonna be a negative nancy. what a waste.

Shelby said...

mediocre?? How the hell could that man ever be mediocre? It just isn't possible.

Hanan said...

he wasn't even old he was like a couple of years older than me and had seen the Strokes a few times.

Jules could never be mediocre. ever ever ever. he was incredible.

Type said...

i’m sorry sir, but you have some extremely mediocre tastes.