Saturday, December 19, 2009

tattoo idea

I'm cleaning my room right now and came across a slip of paper on which I was toying with a tattoo idea. the ideal placement, methinks, would be centered on the back of my neck, like, a couple of inches underneath my hairline. it wouldn't be concealed, because my hair is up 94% of the time.



Peanut said...

I don't have any thoughts, per se.....but I have this unnatural hankering for s∅y......

Eric said...

What's the significance of the slash through the o/0

Hanan said...

the whole tattoo is supposed to represent joy division.

Eric said...

Ah yes, I knew that seemed familiar. It seems cool to me, but I would opt for a smaller version of the tattoo if it's on the back of your neck. Subtle works well in that location.

Hanan said...

well I had never seen it before, just kind of came up with it. people have probably done it before.

oh yeah, definitely small. like, under an inch.

Shelby said...

My middle name is Joy. haha