the track, it's so delectable. it's like ice cream cake topped with warm fudge. can you tell I've been eating sweets all day?
Vampire Weekend - White Sky [mp3, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!]
many thanks to Pop Tarts Suck Toasted!
I tried downloading it yesterday, but web sheriff had attacked all of the blogs which posted it.
download it, quick, before he targets MIE too!
Yay, I got it in time! Much thanks, I missed out on "cousins" last time :(
well email me and I will send it to you.
we're all buying Contra and going to see VW when they tour so I dunno why WS has his panties in a bunch.
eat my shit web sherrif!
check you email hanan. maybe jesus does love me?
here is something scary. I think Jesus is watching me. 'cause I always get stories for my kids from the library, and I always kind of sift through them before checking them out, but anyhow, this last week I got xmas and winter related books, and I accidentally got one that was all religious-y. the ending sentiment, was like, this mouse saying "thank you Jesus for my home". I had to censor the story all the way through, and bleep out all the references to g-d and Jesus. it was hard work, I had to skip a few pages.
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