Following a 16 year old semi-reclusian vinyl junkie named Allie, The Vinyl Princess perfectly encapsulates the diminishing appreciation for musical integrity, specifically in the LP form. Raised by a freethinking Berkeley scholar mother, Allie is more conscious to the world around her than her peers, and, being the daughter of a drummer, she also has a deep respect and love for the musical greats, across all genres.
The book records her new and exciting journey into the world of music blogging; she begins to give her two cents on thevinylprincess.com and in a fanzine with the same name while she works full-time at her favourite store, Bob & Bob’s Records (named for Marley and Dylan, modeled after Amoeba Records, which the author co-founded).
Her insight about the joys of vinyl is incredibly accurate, and every time she puts on another record, you’ll feel a lovely shiver of understanding. The story, however, is not one dimensional, and is not fixated on her job (with its quirky workers and customers) or even her blog, but rather expands into the vivid streets of Telegraph, shenanigans with best friends, and the universal longing for similar souls in this dreary world.
Best of all, the book is really funny…and not just grin-inducing funny, either—but laugh out loud, often to tears, funny. A great read, and I am quite proud of the fact that I own almost every LP that she mentions in the book.
Let the Revolution begin.
Highly Recommended.
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Ryan Adams - Come Pick Me Up (vinyl rip) [mp3]
this particular track is from the Rescue Blues 7", but the original song can be found on Heartbreaker, which is mentioned in the book.
You make me want to buy a turntable. :( Can you believe I have a box of Beatles LPs and bootlegs *just in case* I get a turntable someday?
oh, they're dangerous, record collections. they eat up all your time and money and affection. so if you have any plans on childbearing, abandon them immediately
; )
which LPs do you have?
Here's just the ones on the top of the pile (they're mostly bootlegs):
The Beatles - Sweet Apple Trax (2 LPs)
The Beatles - Historic Sessions
The Beatles - Help! OST (official - Capitol Records)
The Beatles - 'Round the World (interviews)
The Beatles - Beatles' Greatest (official - EMI/Parlophone)
The Beatles - Yellow Matter Custard - bootleg of a BBC show
The Beatles - Apple Trax Volume 3 (2 LPs)
And a veritable buttload of 45s (singles)... all of those are official.
Love, love, LOVE the Beatles. I love the Beatles the way you love The Strokes. :) (Though I quite like The Strokes, too.)
holy smokes. I want to see those. here, I'll catalogue my Beatles LPs for you
Hey Jude
Let It Be
Abbey Road
Sgt Peppers'
A Hard Day's Night s/t
Rubber Soul
Meet the Beatles
The Beatles' Second Album
Something New, Something New
Beatles for Sale
The Beatles 1st Live Recordings, Hamburg, Germany 1962 vol 1
Yellow Submarine
Beatles '65
and I'm not gonna dig through my 7"s right now cause they're not alphabetized but I know I have Eleanor Rigby, a couple of other things and also George's "My Sweet L-rd". oh also, I found a killer copy of All Things Must Pass in a dollar vinyl bin. love it.
All Things Must Pass is in my Top 5 albums ever. It's an album I find myself visiting off and on throughout the year, especially when I'm feeling lost.
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