10. Little Joy - Little Joy

Fabrizio Moretti's side project was one of the most pleasant surprises of the year. This album is so easy to listen to from beginning to end, bursting with sunshine-y sweet melodies. "Unattainable" is sung by their female band member Binki, and I find myself overlooking my I-hate-female-vocalists thing and really enjoying it.
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9. Ra Ra Riot - The Rhumb Line

Following the tragic death of their drummer, John Ryan Pike, Ra Ra Riot released a beautiful and often heartbreaking debut with lyrics that often reference their loss. In addition to the standard rock instruments, they incorporate a cello and a violin. This record is GORGEOUS. "Dying is Fine" draws its chorus from a poem by e.e cummings. You might find yourself listening to their cover of "Suspended in Gaffa" on repeat. "Ghost Under Rocks" begins like Mika's "Love Today" but the similarities end there, as it delves into a ballad which unmistakably eulogizes Pike which will give you shivers.
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8. Liam Finn - I'll Be Lightning

The son of the acclaimed New Zealand musician Neil Finn, Liam quickly establishes that his father is not the only one in the family with talent. A genius in the making, Liam's live performances are simultaneously breathtaking and energizing, leaving the audience in awe and dancing along. Each of these songs is a GEM, but the energy of the songs diminishes as the record comes to a close. The last few songs are slow and beautiful, "Wide Awake on the Voyage Home" (the second to last track) being my absolute favourite, made even more special by the fact that Liam played it after I requested it before his show.
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7. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular

It's really a good thing that they included "spectacular" in the title, I cannot find a more fitting word for this incredible record. I had initially thought this would be an album of a few lead singles and some filler but I was shocked to find that the entire album is a masterpiece. Ever wonder where the future of psychedelic rock lies? Look no further than Oracular Spectacular. While their live performances are not mind blowing, they still are a lot of fun and the duo's energy more than makes up for their lack of bravado.
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6. Delta Spirit - Ode to Sunshine

I don't know how this band isn't famous yet. They excel at something which a lot of bands have attempted to do: combining the Americana, folk and rock genres BEAUTIFULLY. Originally self released with the grey album cover and later rereleased by Rounder Records in August with a new version of "Streetwalker", this is a rare band that manages to pull off a very Bob Dylan-y vocalist. I have nothing bad to say about this band, either on record or live. They blew me away this year. Do check them out.
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5. The Virgins - The Virgins

For a band that pretends to be sexually inexperienced, these songs are a bit out of place: they are oozing with sex sex sex. Hailing from NYC, comparisons to The Strokes are inevitable, and the band doesn't seem to mind too much. Their bass player Nick demands your attention in lead single "Rich Girls" and all over the rest of the record. The ultimate dance record of the year, The Virgin's debut is a winner on all levels. They will chew you up and spit you out like the gum on their album cover, but you will come back begging for more. These guys are AMAZING live too, so catch em when they swing by your neck of the woods.
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4. The Killers - Day and Age

The Killers came back more powerfully than ever before with their third album, drawing from equal parts of 80's and futuristic sounds. A joy ride indeed, this album will leave you dazzled and confused and dying for more. The bonus tracks then step in and oblige.
for a song by song analysis of why this record owns you, click HERE
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3. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend

do you remember getting hyped up on sugar as a kid? if that feeling had a musical manifestation, it would be Vampire Weekend's amazing debut record. These boys compensate for being over-educated by providing songs that anyone can dance too. Why all the haters? Because this band was hardworking and successful and produced excellent songs that brightened up the rainy season. This was going to be album of the year for a while, but it was recently replaced by two better crafted records. It still remains one of my favourite records of all time, sweet perfection from start to finish. Vampire Weekend's goals were to play classical music with rock instruments, but they throw in some African beats too. If you buy this record and don't enjoy it, I will reimburse you and then punch you in the face for being musically and human-ly retarded.
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2. Wild Sweet Orange - We Have Cause to be Uneasy

This debut from the Birmingham based band is heartbreaking in every sense of the word. The lyrics express the childhood anguish which is more or less universal. The guitar riffs from "Either/Or" will be stuck in your head indefinitely, and the lyric "All the things I've hated, I've been before" reminds me of "Between the Bars" by Elliott Smith: "people you've been before that you don't want around anymore". If the opener, "Ten Dead Dogs" doesn't get you hooked, nothing will. The lead singer's voice will penetrate your soul but the music will distract you from the lyrics. Sometimes I have to double back and listen to the words again, and then I am left breathless again. The album presents the ugliness of the human race in the most beautiful way possible. In a way, they redeem us for the cheating, lyric bastards that we are.
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1. Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight

I was first exposed to this band via the blogosphere, first hearing the songs "The Modern Leper" and "Poke" . I subsequently purchased this Scottish band's second full length album. I listened to it once, it didn't strike me as particularly amazing. Once more, I thought. Nope, no avail. I put it on my shelf, shrugging off another meh record. A fellow blogger mentioned that it was his favourite album of the year thus far, which got me to pick it back up and listen to it meticulously, poring over each note and lyric. Then it started getting under my skin. I started listening to it ENDLESSLY, on the BART, at the gym (and this is NOT your average work out album), in bed, everywhere. This album is a reality check to how modern life has alienated us from one another, but the music itself may help us come together and fix ourselves. Please please please take my advice, go out, buy this record and listen to it through five times. They don't have to be consecutive. Just make sure you give it a chance. This album surprised me, and I'm sure you'll love it too.
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honourable mentions:
Beck - Modern Guilt
Ben Sollee- Learning to Bend
The Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely
Panic at the Disco- Pretty. Odd
Albert Hammond Jr - Como Te Llama
The Dodos- Visiter
The Last Shadow Puppets - The Age of Understatement
The Morning Benders - Talking Through Tin Cans
Margot and the Nuclear So and So's- Animal
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Pershing
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