most people discount how important a good band name actually is, especially for emerging bands not yet signed to a label (also known as indie muahaha)
to name a few great bands whom I began listening to because they had cool names: Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Margot and the Nuclear So & So's, and The Muslims (although they are now known as The Soft Pack. lame.)
enter Robbers on High Street.
the setting, late December 2007
the main character? me.
the quest? to find cool shows to go to in January.
so, I'm browsing various venues' websites and I come across the name "Robbers on High Street". I look them up, am immediately smitten with "The Fatalist", and then proceed to purchase their album Grand Animals at my beloved Amoeba.
However, as I was perusing the band's website a few days later, I realized that they didn't have any tour dates posted. I check the venue's website again for specifics, and, I realize,
that show was in January of 2007.
as in the year before.
so, you see, I never actually got to see Robbers on High Street,
but I managed to learn about this very cool NY based band (as all of the best bands hail from the big apple) in the process.
I never got around to listening to their debut, Tree City, but I just pulled out Grand Animals again and have been transported to a very happy place.
for fans of: Cold War Kids, Modest Mouse, Spoon
Robbers on High Street - The Fatalist [mp3]
Robbers on High Street - Across Your Knee [mp3]
visit them on their cyberspace portal we deem a "website"
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