Stuart Murdoch's new musical endeavour is called G-d Help The Girl, and here's a taste of what you all can expect:
G-d Help The Girl - Mary's Market [mp3]
it sounds like B&S stuck in a really awesome supersmash bros video game. good stuff.
it's going to be a b-side to the forthcoming single, "Funny Little Frog"
Stuart's on lead vox,
Brian MacNeill on vox organ.
Francis MacDonald drumming,
David MacGowan on electric bass
Kenny McKeeve guesting from Camera Obscura on guitars
Tim Davidson guesting from Attic Lights on guitar also.
for lyrics click HERE
He's re-recording Funny Little Frog and releasing the new version as a single to launch the new outfit? How strange. Surely it'd be better to start with a new song?
maybe the new version will be barely recognizable? who knows.
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