starting this Wednesday (June 3rd) at 12:01AM, Live Nation will not charge ticket fees for Ampitheatre shows if you purchase the tickets on a Wednesday.
perfect, they announce this a few hours after I drove all the way to Mountain View to pick up a pair of tickets to BFD in order to avoid 20 dollars worth of surcharges.
this is my life.
anyhow, as you all know, Live Nation and Ticketmaster recently joined forces, so this is an attempt on their part to appear less evil and wallet-raping. I am partially appeased.
they would do that. its ok i still haven't bought my warped tour tickets.
haha i like the wallet raping thing. because its true. not because i like my wallet being raped.
I looked at the Warped line up months ago and it wasn't very good, who are you hoping to see? and where? I know it varies from city to city
yes, bleak truths often are quite humourous. for further elaboration, see Jonathan Swift or Chuck Klosterman.
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