previous single "Hang You From the Heavens" is also available.
in any case, here's the mp3 for those who haven't heard it:
The Dead Weather - Treat Me Like Your Mother [mp3]
it's amazing how splurging on vinyl can ALWAYS appease your guilt for downloading music...
Jack White just needs to quit this band shit and go solo - all his projects are so obviously run by him anyway.
I honestly can't see him ever doing that...I feel like in a weird way, he's too humble.
Should I pay 30 bucks to see them next month?
hm, well 30 bucks sounds like it would be for a medium sized venue, and I would like to see a band like TDW at a smaller club (like the ones where the tickets for shows are under 20)
if you can sing along to 30 or more Jack White songs (Raconteurs, White Stripes or Dead Weather), you're probably enough of a fan to warrant shelling that much cash out for the show. or if you happen to worship The Kills or something. if not, I'd pass.
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