I really don't know very much about Kaki King, other than that she's from Georgia, is incredibly talented and gorgeous, and was discovered by Dave Grohl.
He was quoted: “There are some guitar players that are good and there are some guitar players that are really fucking good. And then there's Kaki King.”
I really love that. It's pretty much the most succinct way to describe her music. Her music makes me feel like time is standing still, and completely envelops every ounce of attention I have.
I stumbled upon her music about a week and a half ago, and was really impressed. I watched a lot of videos of her music on youtube, and can say with enthusiasm that she is quite talented. She does phenomenal, fresh things with a guitar, mostly blending percussion with slide guitar and other cool stuff. She doesn't sing much, either, which is a huge bonus, even though her voice is surprisingly good. Music like this needs to stand alone.
I'm going to explore her music some more, and look for her tomorrow at Rasputin.
long live guitar! (I always loved that opening line from The Clash's "Know Your Rights", "this is a public service announcement, with GUITAR!")
visit Kaki King on MYSPACE
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