Ziggy Stardust, the person, is freaking awesome, as is Ziggy Stardust, the album. it's that rare album that you can listen to and love all the way through, absolutely no filler.
David Bowie - Suffragette City [mp3]
this is one of my favourite David Bowie songs. I always thought he was saying "mean army man can't afford the ticket back from Suffragette City", which made sense to my mind, because I've read Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Herland
David Bowie's catalogue is vast and his music changed as much as his persona (quite regularly). I'd suggest starting with this album. I love my copy, it has that great old vinyl smell and I got it for a dollarrrr.
this clip is what got me into Flight of the Conchords, after I heard THIS SONG. haha I love Brett and his bulemia. great fucking show, I've gotta buy the second season!
david bowie is one cool fella. labyrinth is of course awesome, as is his music. Flight of the Conchords got nominated for an emmy did you hear? I love them
brett and his bulemia? huh?
(I love them too)
an emmy? haha sweet!
to Katzen, yeah, the Bowie episode is when Brett thinks he's fat and he turns bulemic. Bowie tells him that it's ok to have self image issues. or that's how I remember it anyways.
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