Jack White is an incredibly talented man, I doubt anyone could argue otherwise. however, I do feel that his talents are not fully tapped in The White Stripes. for this reason, I regularly turn to The Raconteurs for a nice dose of Jack. even in his new project The Dead Weather, I feel like he is more of a behind-the-curtain voice of (sinister) reason rather than the heart and soul of the band. The Dead Weather will always sound more like what it is: a collaboration. The Raconteurs, on the other hand, is Jack's proper music baby. the one with the trust fund and well documented progression a la photo albums and/or banjo fascinations.
with two well rounded and highly listenable albums under their belt, The Raconteurs combine the very best elements of blues, folk, and good ol' rock, best expressed through Jack's unmistakably memorable vocal deliveries. the live shows are killer too.
here are a couple of their mellow tracks (which also happen to be two of my favourites)
The Raconteurs - Together [mp3]
and a crazier one, just for good measure:
PS Brendan Benson is incredibly attractive.
I'm not that big of a fan of their first record. It seemed like a lot of their songs were rip offs of others. But the second record is awesome. I love every song, but especially Conseuler (sic) of the Lonely, which rocks my balls off.
I hope Jack gets back with The Raconteurs in the near future so I can see them live.
i love steady as she goes!
Thanks.... It's so good
Salute Your Solution is the best pure rock song of the last 5 years, if not more. That's why I love The Raconteurs.
I concur with all of the above.
Including Brendan Benson. ;D
'Many Shades of Black' is one of my favourite songs everrrrrr.
wow, the enthusiasm for this band extends to farsi speaking people. awesome.
(that is farsi, right, marda zinda?)
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