thanks to everyone who emailed me about this,
you can now sample each and every track from Phrazes for the Young a la the Deutsch Amazon.
if I am going to be completely honest, I was actually really surprised to find out that the critics are spot fucking on: it sounds NOTHING like The Strokes. this troubles me a bit. tracks 1, 4 and 7 really intrigued me, but, I dunno, I had different things in mind. is it so bad that I really don't fare well with super experimental stuff? I'd much rather listen to Never Mind the Bollocks any day of the week.
I think at this point, I am just going to wait for the proper album release. what do you think?
Im with you on this one, i want to wait until i can listen to the whole album and not just little bits here and there. I have waited long enough so i might as well wait a couple more weeks. Hopefully they wont change the release date again cause i will totally have a meltdown :)
I'm probably going to wait too. But uh, yeah, Nadia and I will both have meltdowns if there are anymore shananigans. I might just have one anyway.
I think that the whole solo Julian / Phrazes experience is going to take a bit of getting used to for lots of people. I mean, after years of associating a certain specific sound with the Strokes, something so different to come practically out of the blue (see what I did there?!?!) isn't necessarily going to sit comfortably with listeners ...
That said, I personally have thrashed the previews and am especially excited about Glass and Tourist.
AND AND Jules will be on Conan on October 27th! I am jealous and spiteful of all you Americans who will be able to watch him on the more exciting form of a TV screen.
How do you know he'll be on Conan?
I don't know I think if he were to sound too much like The Strokes people would end up complaining then too. For me I heard a little snippet of "Out Of The Blue" and I am already exited about it!
Jules is on Conan on the 27th of October!!! Yayyyyy
klein where do you get this info!? You're so nonchalant about it haha. You just casually mention it while I'm freaking out. For some reason being on Conan makes it ten times more real to me. Never has my anticipation seemed so...purposeful. Not sure if that's the right way of putting it haha.
Except I'm pissed because the sound on both of my computers is broken...has been broken for weeks. So I can't sample Phrazes.
Okay just kidding I reread it and caught the "AND AND....!" So maybe you're not as nonchalant as I had thought.
wow I cant believed I listened to the samples..I just killed it for myself..ugh I hate doing this! but Im deffinetley going to have to get used to Phrasez for the Young..So far from what Iv'e heard Glass and Tourist are the best on there!and OMG I cant wait to see Julian on Conan! yeeeeah!
I'm not touching a preview of the tracks. Fuck that shit. I need whole songs.
Julian will indeed be on Conan 10/27. Here's the link: http://www.interbridge.com/lineups.html
Hahahh I AM ANYTHING BUT NONCHALANT about this Mary Shea! Compulsive and frequent internet stalking leads me to this information, though deep down it really kills me that I'm only going to be able to see it by the inferior means of a computer when some considerate soul uploads it to YT ... There better be an interview.
Conan loves The Strokes. thanks for the link Eric
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