Connor from the UK was nice enough to send me a bootleg called Triple J and I was about to publish a post with all of the tracks until I realized that it was a bootleg I already had...labelled as "live at the wireless". the moment of realization was when I heard Jules call NYC Cops a love song. oh well, y'all might as well give the bootleg another listen, it's gold!
thanks anyways Connor! and if any of you ever stumble upon a live version of "Fear of Sleep", send it to me, because Connor is dying to hear it.
I know what you mean. The Arlene Grocery version of NYCC is so punk and crazy and fast, I love it.
And I read somewhere that they've never done Fear of Sleep live. Someone who talked to Albert and said that he said that Julian hates it... he said she said... blah blah blah.
And hey! Since when was it a bad thing to be an Is This It junkie?!?!
Hmm, I remember reading somewhere that Fear of Sleep is allegedly the least listenable of all Strokes songs. But I don't actually understand why.
Amen to being an Is This It junkie. Baby Strokes are golden.
An also randomly, whenever I hear about MJ's This Is It stuff, I always think it's Is This Is. Teeheehee the Strokes and MJ *immediately thinks of Jules doing the moonwalk*!
Hah! Me too, actually. I heard that they asked MJ to choreograph their shows back in 2001...
(not really)
Same! (the MJ thing)
Hahaha yeah Arlene Grocery was INSANE. How I wish I had been there...
Aw that's a shame, weird how you had it named as live at the wireless?
i can answer this question cause im australian!!! triple j is our national youth radio sation who specialise in awesome indie/alternative music. triple j's 'live at the wireless' is the weekly recording of a concert that they play on monday nights then replay on sunday nights. so triple j is the station that live at the wireless is on.
Ohhh i see. Nice one Jim!
When i downloaded it, i was told it was a rare bootleg and that it was just called Live At Triple J!
Oh well!
thanks all the same, Connor!
thanks to everyone who replied (and Jim for the cool info!), and as for the MJ thing, that is especially hilarious because Jules is wearing a Thriller shirt in his SPIN cover
yay Strokes!
I sent an email, but just wanted to say that there are snippets of Phrazes on the German Amazon.com:
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