I'm starting to think that the "LA residency" thing was a rumour...the Tokyo gig was widely publicized, but I haven't found any info pertaining to Jules' supposed shows in LA. it doesn't make sense for him to play four nights in LA anyhow...it's not fair, methinks.
really, the only residency around here relating to Mr Casablancas is my desktop background.
what do y'all think?
(also, is anyone else pissed off that Phrazes hasn't leaked yet? at this point, I might just wait until the 20th for the proper release)
I, too, have been awaiting more info about those alleged L.A. shows. Nothing so far ...
Bad news. Apparently the album release been pushed back to NOVEMBER THE SECOND NOW.
That's what Amazon and everyone except for Jules' official site are writing. I want to kill myself. And I conducted a survey of all the CD stores in the inner city today (sum total of 5) and they all gave me Nov 2 as a date. SO FRUSTRATING! What is going on?!!?
every day its pushed back is another bit of my spirit chipped away. also um damn gurl thats a good desktop layout. i cant have hot shit like that it distracts me too much. also i need to have alot of folders on my desktop
I too am surprised that phrazes hasn't leaked yet. And if the album's been pushed back then that's bullshit.
I'm surprised we still haven't been able to pre-order it from the website, shouldn't they have already posted something by now?
And I too hope it hasn't been pushed back again, remember when it was supposed to come out on sept. 29th? We could have all had it in our hands by now!
I'm pretty sure that the L.A. residency was a rumor. I haven't heard or seen anything about it. And I know that if it WAS taking place, someone would have written some review about it by now.
As for the delay, sometimes album releases keep getting pushed back when the artist announces something and it takes a long time to manufacture. =-/
Did they release the single to compensate for the delay?
This is not the news I needed to run across today. Wow, September 29th....
I'm starting to think that this whole album is a figment of my imagination. Does Julian not know how crazy we are all becoming?! AHHH
Excuse the french, but im so fucking upset and angry that its been delayed AGAIN.
Its basically asking fans to illegally download it, i was going to wait aswell but sod that.
The LA residency is not a rummor they announced on his facebook today that he will play every Friday in November. The post said that details will come soon but it's pretty much confirmed. November will be awesome new cd from him and gettin to see him live a couple of times it's like early x- mas for me.
hold your horses people. nov 2 is 13 days after october 20. we should all just listen to the girls record a bit more
HAHAHAH oh my goodness I totally agree with Jim. I remembered that Jules said that the 4th record will sound like Costello, and a few days ago it struck me, hello, Girls totally have provided us with a great fucking album in the same vein.
incidentally, I am listening to the album AGAIN right now. anddd I just told someone that "Lust for Life" is most definitely my favourite song of the year (so far) about an hour ago.
then again, it isn't so much a coincidence that I'm listening to Album, because I listen to it all of the time. it doesn't get old.
can I say it again? I love Album. I think Owens was being clever when he named his band Girls and his debut Album...knowing people would love it and sound like retards when expressing said love.
ohh, Katzen. don't say that. hahah is it bad that I laughed a bit at this slew of comments? good music is good music, even though we would prefer something from the world's greatest songwriter/sex g-d.
ugh why is Julian doing this to us! Nov 3rd is too far away! I was counting the days till Oct 20th and now I have to wait even longer! Theres a possibility tho that it got pushed back because of the New Moon Soundtrack being relesed that day.it makes sense i guess.but ugh Nov 3rd!FML!well at least the LA shows will be on Fridays instead of wed :]thats a plus.And gives me more time to save up some cash.
It really is Nov 2nd they posted on Julian's facebook :(
its a coin toss for me between lust for life and laura.
Laura is really great but the whole album is simply gorg.
I love how everyone is fretting about Phrazes as Jim and I ponder the fabulousness of an obviously derivative but every so perfect album.
y'all know Phrazes will leak and I'll post it. don't worry don't hurry don't forget to smell the flowers!
Hi, I'm new to this site, and actually totally fucked up on Ambien right now, but I am obsessed with making it to one of these shows in LA. I live in Minnesota & have no friends who share my Jules obsession. Even though they claim to like good music. Anyway, hoping to get somewhat familiar with some of you on here so that I could meet up with some people at the show & not feel totally alone in the big city. I have plenty to say about Julian and The Strokes, so I'm sure I'll be writing often. I just wanted to say this seems like a really nice, smart community. Hanan is amazing and has written my every thought and feeling about this band.
welcome aboard, Becky. sorry that you're so estranged from Strokes fans, but I live in California and feel the same way. I know like two real Strokes fans (in person, not online), and it's frustrating as hell.
I met a bunch of Strokes fans when I saw Kings of Leon last May but I'm hoping to meet loads and loads of people once the band tours and form life long friendships with all of them. maybe have an orgy or two
I don't think I'll be able to make any of Jules' shows, I work until around 5 and the drive to LA without traffic would take 6 hours. I wish he were doing it on Saturdays, I would have been able to go. I'm saving my days off for when The Strokes go on tour, I plan to follow them for at least a few nights.
I just hope that Jules comes to SF.
Julian's on Facebook?
Part of me just died.
BECKY! omg you are totally midwestern me. I discovered this site while fucked up on ambian, live nowhere and the people with even somewhat similar music tastes as me that ive met in person can be counted on one hand. about the ambian, i hope you can get emails about responses, because Im pretty sure you wont remember finding this website or writing this comment. also you might wanna check your sent emails, outgoing calls, and sent texts because you mightve sent people some weird stuff. TRUST ME
Oh yes, I'm certainly infamous for, and a little proud of, the shit I come up with while on Ambien.
So, I asked my husband if he'd possibly consider accompanying me to one of these shows. He either ignores me or just straight up tells me to fuck off. But then today he tells me that he's going to California to see Phish on Halloween. What? That's like choosing Dave Matthews over Jesus.
when was this concert in Tokyo, I was there and this was the best concert of all LA residency excellent post about The Strokes Post #227
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