so, everyone is super excited about THIS GREAT NEW INTERVIEW WITH JULIAN via the Guardian's Observer (a UK publication), mostly because it says that Juliet is pregnant (hello Julian Jr!)
my favourite bit, however, was this:
"it's about everyone being happy. If we can get to that point, I think the rest will fall into place."
I think that all Strokes fans can agree that Julian seems a LOT more happy lately, probably because his wifey is pregnant, but other stuff too
is it bad that I'm a tad disappointed that he is completely sober now?
Nah it definitely isn't bad!
When reading that, i sort of wished he still got really drunk, as that style created Is This It! Would be awful though if he died due to being an alcoholic, so I'm also glad he isn't drinking anymore!
I was gonna say yeah haha. Just kidding, I know what you mean. I guess I'm just paranoid that he'll like read everyone saying that he was better when he was a drunk and that it will all just go back downhill for him. Maybe this relates to me having a really sensitive, recovering alcoholic for a mother hahah. Either way, I'm 100% happy that he's happy and sober.
It scares me a little bit how excited I am over this pregnancy! Julian's happiness = my happiness. Also, Voltron is the coolest name for a dog.
I was a little disappointed at first, too, because I loved the aura and style of Is This It. But it would be kind of gross if he was 30+ and still living like he did back in 2000. Well, who am I kidding, he's never gross.
It's a good thing he's finding a normal lifestyle. He can't be a genius all the time. Oh, and adorable adorable picture!
His happiness = mine too, Klein. Voltron is fucking badass.
He can be a genius all the time!
First impressions is genius :)
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