every time I sift through clearance racks at record stores, I always come across Travis albums. I'm a person who has never understood the band Travis, or, for that matter, other UK bands that flirt with the not-so-subtle and not-so-well-excecuted fluctuations between gentle songs and thrashing ones.
The Subways, though, are another story completely.
the band is three people.
guitar, bass, drums.
guitarist Billy Lun does most of the lead vocals but bass lady Charlotte Cooper occasionally joins in, and it always creates an insanely pure rock sound, maintained by their drummer Josh Morgan.
they are to the 00's what Nirvana was to the '90s. or a cool indie rock version thereof, anyway. they obviously aren't as groundbreaking as Nirvana, or as important, but they're still fucking awesome and have grunge energy up the wazoo. I love it when I find threesomes who managed to make such fantastic amounts of racket.
but then, they can also pull off songs like "Lines of Light" extraordinarily well. it's an acoustic song that would have fans of "Wonderwall" tearing up. for the record, it reminds me a lot of "Mary Jane" by The Vines. The Subways generally emulate The Vines in the best way possible, but particularly in the perfect balance of slower songs and ones that are the musical equivalent of drug-frenzies/drunken rocknroll dance parties
I picked up the Subways' debut album Young For Eternity ages ago from a clearance rack, because the little 30 second samples of the songs I heard from those little red machines intrigued me so much. that was the same day I put down the Travis debut for the very opposite reason. I grew to love The Subways more and more and now am passing them on to you.
now go forth and have some rock n roll adventures.
The Subways - Young for Eternity [mp3]
visit them on MYSPACE
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