I was going through my vinyl today [which I've lugged around through various moves], organizing and mulling over the fact that I don't listen to my records enough (even though I'll spin 4 or 5 a day)
I always love coming across Bookends by Simon and Garfunkel. "America" just transports me to the amazing world of Almost Famous. right now, my LPs are organized alphabetically and Sounds of Silence is staring at me. I feel a S&G binge coming on...
here's the title track from the timeless album:
Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends [mp3]
(released 1968)
Do you have Graceland or The Rhythm of the Saints? Excellent Simon albums. Also, check out the alternate track listing for Rhythm of the Saints, nicely collected at Wikipedia.
Sounds of Silence is one of my favorite records.
I hear they are touring again for ungodly prices.
I have Graceland and I fucking love it
Found this on cassette for under a dollar last week.
I love casettes
I'm so glad you're back, k! does this mean you have normal internet?
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