lead singer Caleb Nichols was the first to send me his band's music, and the only good one so far. Since then, I've had an influx of crap into my inbox, so I'm very happy to post about a band worth listening to. They are a very new band, formed in October of last year. Caleb used to play bass in Port O' Brien, but we all know how much musicians hate to be SOLELY defined by their past, so I'll say this much, it's a good thing he left.
The band is based in Oakland, so for now, they are playing local shows (Feb 6 @ The Uptown [Oakland]; Mar 28 @ The Hemlock [SF])
but, my dear readers, keep your eyes and ears open, they'll soon invade your hometowns as well. If they don't, I'll be disappointed for your sakes.
sounds like: early Death Cab for Cutie; those awesome opening acts that are more heartfelt than the band you came to see.
They're still finalizing their EP, but here are some awesome mp3s for you guys to enjoy in the mean time
Grand Lake - Concrete Blonde on Blonde [mp3]
Grand Lake - Nevermint [mp3, highly recommended!]
this one is like what Nirvana would have been if they were an indie band of the 00's rather than a grunge band of the 90's.
Grand Lake - The Stars Are Not Projectors [mp3]
Grand Lake - Twin Peak [mp3]
visit them on MYSPACE
Caleb was nice enough to answer some of my prying questions, so here's some insight for you all
How did the band form?
Jameson and I were in another band many moons ago called 'the bloody heads' ... so we already new each other.
We had a new project in mind after I left Port O'Brien, but we weren't sure what. Then we met Ryan (actually, I rented a room in Ryan's place), and he introduced us to Erika, whom he was playing with (and still is ) in a band called No'S.
As a child, did you want to be a musician? When did you start playing music? Writing music?
I wanted to be Fred Astaire, but dancing was hard work. I didn't want to be a musician until I heard Revolver when I was 12. I started playing bass and writing when I was 14. I am self taught.
Do you have a muse?
Yes. He'd only love me back, I'd quit being a musician.
Do you have any particular audience that you cater to or do you just make music that comes to you and hope people will like it?
Ummm........ I assume our music appeals to college kids, maybe high school kids, maybe cool older folks .... I don't know. People who listen to slightly experimental, minimalist indie-pop?
Who writes the songs? The lyrics?
On 'Nevermint' I wrote the music and lyrics for the 6 pop songs, and Jameson wrote the music for the two short instrumental tracks. Next record, Erika will write some too.
What does "Concrete Blonde on Blonde" mean? You're referencing Dylan, yes? I'd love you to elaborate.
Play on words... the word concrete is used... it's a song about driving back to my hometown, which I find myself doing regularly, whether from a tour, from Oakland now, or even from Alaska way back....or from school... I had an intense Dylan period right before I joined Port O'Brien in 2006.... Blonde on Blonde was the only thing on in my car for months, and man I drove a fucking lot!
What was your first record? (the first one you bought, not made)
hmm... vinyl - Built for Speed by the Stray Cats.... cassette - California Girls by the Beach Boys,.... I think my first cd was Dangerous by Michael Jackson.
What are you listening to now?
Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers, ESG, Jay Reatard. Those be my top three at the moment. Also Starfucker, The Pains of Being Pure At Heart, and Man/Miracle.
[fun fact: Caleb blogs daily about the songs stuck in his head. Head on over to the Head List (haha, pun) to check it out.]
What song do you wish you could have written?
'Susan in A Hundred Words' by my roommate and Grand Lake's drummer, Ryan Parks. Check out the No'S for that track. It's fucking beautiful, and made my mom cry a bit.
or "I Woke Up Today" by Van Pierszalowski of Port O'Brien... the writer always gets more royalties.
In your opinion, the number 1 most under-rated genius musician of all time.
Morphine. Mark Sandman from Morphine. I think there should be parades dedicated to that band. They fucking ruled, and the death of Mark Sandman strikes me as one of the more tragic things in rock and roll history.
Where is the strangest place you've come up with a song/melody/riff? Think of the craziest, most random one imaginable.
This usually happens while driving on the 101 for a few hours. Or the five. Driving.
[that answer was slightly disappointing. I was hoping for some hooker story.]
What song is playing on repeat in hell?
Anything by the Eagles. But at the moment I'm thinking 'Desperado' or 'Tequila Sunrise'....
ooh, an exclusive interview, now you're REALLY in the big time!
that BETTER not have been sarcasm, mister.
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